Media Appearance #1: June 9th

Before the January 6 Committee Congressional hearing, I appeared on NBCLX news. You can see the clip here. Here is an edited-down version of the transcript. Q: “Let’s set the backstory here. Is this committee just kind of fact-finding, or is it supposed to find and announce things that could lead to criminal charges? Congress

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It’s Not About “Faith”

People are constantly telling me some version of, “I wish I had your faith in Merrick Garland. I sure hope your faith is rewarded.” Others tell me some form of, “I wish I had your faith that the system is working as it should.” First, I’ll talk about “faith” versus “confidence in democratic institutions.” Then

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People Break Laws they Disagree With

First, some history for perspective. (Stick with me. I promise this will be worth it). Nineteenth-century American society was a patriarchy: a social hierarchy with White men at the top and Black women at the bottom. Laws reflect cultural values. As the culture changes, laws change. Laws in the 19th century reinforced the patriarchy. Example: A

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Will someone please DO SOMETHING?

There’s a thing called Do Something Twitter. These are people on Twitter who loudly demand that those in power DO SOMETHING to save democracy. I’ll give a few examples. After Hayden Brown reported that Biden talks energetially about the importance of democracy, Sarah Kenzdior (who has appeared on news programs and presents herself as an

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Transcript from Video Why Democrats Should Not Fight Like Republicans

This blog post started as a video. You can see it here. In the struggle to save democracy, there are some who insist that Democrats should “fight like Republicans.”  This is sometimes framed as “Democrats are bringing a knife to a gunfight” or “you have to fight fire with fire” or “it’s time for hardball tactics.”

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White Supremacy, Hierarchy, and the Anti-Mask “debate.”

This blog post started as a YouTube video. You can see it here. You may have noticed that certain Republican leaders have evidently decided that coming out against masks and vaccines during a pandemic is a winning strategy. The Republican governors of Texas, Florida, and Mississippi, for example, have taken particularly strong anti-mask positions. Mississippi

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A Thousand Cuts: An Overview

This blog post started as a YouTube video. You can see it here. I think the way the current fascist threat will be beaten back is most likely through thousand small cuts, each seemingly undramatic. After all, over the past several decades, Trump’s brand of fascism has gained as much power as it has by

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