Worried about Democracy? Here’s what you can do.

I’m seeing some panic out there. So I’ve compiled a list of things you can do here.

Panic is never a good idea. [After I wrote that sentence, I did some research: Did you know that the National Transportation Safety Board says that 95% of people in flight accidents survived.] So even in an actual plane accident, a cool head can save lives.

We have a better chance of surviving this if we don’t let Trump throw us into a spin each day with his latest spectacle and crisis. People spinning can’t move forward.

Remember: Sometimes the wheels turn slowly. On the other hand, sometimes the wheels turn fast. See this post on Susan B. Anthony and FDR.

Today we’re fighting the same fight against the same reactionaries. They’ve been part of the American population since before the Revolution. (Back then, they were the pro-slavery folks).

I take my own advice. I’m going back to Texas (again) as a volunteer lawyer offering legal assistance to asylum seekers. I was there last summer, but they didn’t need me back over the winter because they had a rush of volunteer lawyers.

People are stepping up.

In 2016 and 2018 I worked for voter protection orgs in Nevada and California, monitoring vote tabulation. I plan to do the same in Georgia in 2020.

I support journalists by subscribing to periodicals that do good investigative journalism. If millions of people do something, even something small, it adds up. Think, for example, what would happen if one million people suddenly subscribed to the Washington Post. They’d have money to pump into good investigative journalism.

Here’s the list again.

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