Why I think Mueller has the whole story

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The following witnesses are cooperating: Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, George Nader, Rick Gates, Richard Pinedo. Plus those other unnamed witnesses in the Flynn memo. (links in the last tweet)

And I’m probably forgetting some. That list of cooperating witnesses should be enough to spill the entire story. Michael Flynn and Michael Cohen alone can blow major holes in TrumpRussia: Cohen knows about the NY Trump Org crimes, Flynn knows about the Russia stuff.

I suspect there are lots of witnesses cooperating fully we don’t know about. Why? Because the first thing a sensible person does when they get a subpoena or a request to talk to a prosecutor, is hire a good lawyer. A good lawyer will try to secure immunity in exchange for honest testimony. Moreover, Mueller knows when someone is lying. Remember how confident he was that Manafort was not telling the truth? The only way Mueller would know when a witness is lying is if Mueller knows the entire story.

You may be wondering: If Mueller knows the whole story, why isn’t he spilling it? My guess: He wants to secure guilty pleas, and that takes work. Taking someone to trial is much more time-consuming, difficult, expensive and possibly messy.

Links about cooperating witnesses: I didn’t include a link about Michael Cohen–that’s all over the ‘net.

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