This is more of an observation than a full blog post.
Locating the problem entirely in Trump’s psyche misses the larger picture and pattern and can give the false impression that removing Trump solves all problems.

I don’t doubt that Trump has mental and personality issues, but he also springs from decades of Republican policies.

I think some get it. Some understand that the party is broken. (Where precisely it broke can be debated, but certainly by the time Newt Gingrich advocated “no compromise” in the early 1990s. For a post on the history of the Republican Party, and how it transformed from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of the KKK, click here.)
I have two other reasons for resisting the urge to locate the problem in Trump’s psyche.
First, the extent to which he’s acting and manipulating people v. genuinely crazy is speculative. He is a conman. He is manipulative. He does have experience in show business.
Second, I’m trained as a lawyer, and there’s a thing called the Goldwater Rule, which says that medical professionals are not supposed to make a diagnosis of a public figure with whom they don’t have a therapeutic relationship.

This is how I see it. Removing Trump is first. It is necessary. That’s why we should all be laser focused on the election. But that’s just the start.
If we’re not careful, we’ll be right back here again with someone who does the Trump act better.
Also, A Bit of News
Today is the book birthday of my latest book, Book #6 in my Making of America series.
I know it’s corny, but I’ve been doing this since the publication of my first book (19 years ago!!)
A birth announcement:

My books are available in libraries. You can download an app and check them out as ebooks (I am one of those authors who loves it when people check my books out of libraries. I love supporting libraries).