Today, we celebrate


Tomorrow, we get back to work.

We have those two senate run-off races in Georgia, then lots of healing and repairing.

Apologies to people who have sent me questions. It’s been a crazy week. I’ll try to get to a bunch of them in the next few days.

I’ll tell you one story from the Georgia boiler room. It was 6:59 pm EST. We got a call from the hotline. A voter showed up at 6:58, just as the poll workers were locking the door. (Nobody was in line, so they closed up 2 minutes early. Heck, it had been a long day, and the workers were tired.)

The poll workers didn’t want to open up. The voter wanted to vote. The team went to work. It took 35 minutes, but that voter voted.

You would have been impressed by how passionately a room of lawyers cared about that vote.

We were Democratic party lawyers, but didn’t care who the voter was or how he or she planned to vote. The idea, of course, is that voter suppression in Georgia targeted Blacks, and when Georgia arrives at the place when everyone can vote, the modern Trump-FOX-GOP will be voted out. As a matter of principle, we helped any voter who was prevented from lawfully voting.

One of my readers read this story, and told me that it was the perfect metaphor. Liberals got complacent. They ignored the warning signs for years that the far right-wing was gathering enough power to bring about a successful fascist uprising. They let corruption flourish and infect our politics. Then–literally, at the eleventh hour, with one single minute left–enough voters woke up and got themselves to the polling place to stop our slide into fascism.

How about if after this we all stay woke?

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