[View here as a Twitter thread]
1/ This list is for Trump and Trump family members: Accessory After the Fact. Aiding and Abetting Cyber Crimes Bribery Conspiracy Federal Election Campaign Act Federal Employees and Personal Family Relationships (CFR 2636.502) Insider Trading The Logan Act Money Laundering
2/ Obstruction of Justice Misprison of Felony Retaliating Against an Informant Tax Evasion and Tax Fraud Witness Tampering For more info on the above crimes, see this page:
3/ For more on Accessory After the Fact, See: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… For more on Aiding and Abetting, see: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… The above two threads show that Team Trump coordinated with Russia (popularly known as “collusion”).
4/ For more on Campaign Finance Law violations, see: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… Even if we limit ourselves to the facts given in the Mueller docs (which are more reliable because they come from a law enforcement investigation) there’s ample evidence of coordination with Russia:
5/ As per the 7-13-18 indictment of Netyksho, et al “a person who was in regular contact with senior members” of the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian hackers: justice.gov/file/1080281/d… Think in terms of “coordination” and “co-conspirators.”
6/ As per the 2-20-18 indictment of Alex van de Zwaan, Gates (while a highly placed Trump campaign official) was communicating with Person A, who had ties to the GRU (Russian intelligence): lawfareblog.com/documents-alex…. (Person A is reported to be Konstantin Kilimnik)
7/ As per the 2-16-18 indictment of Russians, the Russians communicated with “political activists to seek to coordinate political activities.” justice.gov/file/1035477/d… I doubt Mueller is withholding the names of the “political activists” because they’re nobodies.
8/ In Flynn’s guilty plea, he admitted that he and another Trump campaign official negotiated with Russians about sanctions while Obama was president, in violation of the Logan Act:
9/ From Papadopoulos’ guilty plea: he told the Trump campaign about the Russian hacking before the hacking was common knowledge. assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4776… (This among other things, goes to aiding and abetting and accessory after the fact; see threads given above)
10/ The list, of course, isn’t complete. But I’ll limit this thread to 10 tweets. The question isn’t: “Did the Trump campaign coordinate with Russia?” The question is: “How extensively did the Trump campaign coordinate with Russia?”