Russian spy admitted to laying the groundwork for backchannels Russia

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Okay, we have Maria Butina’s plea agreement here:  Spoiler: A Russian spy admitted to “laying the groundwork” for backchannels of communication to the Trump administration while acting at the direction of Russian Oligarch Aleksandr Torshin.

(Here’s my thread on the background of Butina, Russia, and the NRA …) Here are the highlights of the plea agreement. She pleads guilty to conspiring to violate 18 US 951, “agents of foreign governments.” In plain language, foreign agents = spies.

She conspired to violate 18 US 951 in violation of 18 USC 371, conspiracy to defraud the US. … …The agreement requires that she cooperate with prosecutors on “any and all matters” the government deems relevant.

If she refuses to cooperate, the government is relieved of its obligations, but she is not relieved of hers. Notice: This heavily favors the government. Manafort’s was similar. Here are the allegations she says are TRUE (she admits to them):

No later than March 2015, Butina and Person 1 agreed and conspired with “Russian Official” [Alexander Torshin, whose name is already tightly linked to Trump] and AT LEAST ONE other person for her to act in the US under the direction of Torshin.

The “last least one other person” part is hugely important. That person [or people] is/are soon to be in big trouble. The question is whether the person [or persons] are in Trump’s orbit. We already know that Person 1 is Butina’s American boyfriend, Paul Erickson.

Erickson has (allegedly) been notified that he is the target of an investigation. …OK, back to the plea agreement. With Person 1’s assistance and subject to Torshin’s direction, Butina sought to establish unofficial lines of communication with influential Americans for Russia’s benefit. She opined that circumstances were favorable for building relations with “Political Party #1” and predicted that the candidate nominated by Political Party #1 would win the presidency. Who is Political Party #1? Hint👇


She further stated that through her attendance at “Gun Rights Organization” conferences, she laid the groundwork for unofficial channels to the next US administration. She talked about how to “press” or “pressure” this particular “Gun Rights Organization” later.

She also assisted a “wealthy and well-connected US Person” in hosting multiple large ‘friendship dinners’ where other influential Americans discussed US-Russian relations. She cultivated relationships with Americans and reported back to Russia. Hmmmore Americans involved. 🤔

(If you’re new to my feed and you’re wondering why the Republicans love the Russians so much, here’s a thread for you: …) Butina helped Torshin organize a Russian delegation to the 2017 National Prayer Breakfast in D.C

The purpose of the delegation was to “establish a back channel of communication.” We have plenty of outside reporting about Russian money pouring into the NRA. And remember in the campaign when Don Jr. & Torshin happened to be at the same NRA meeting?

Notice that the case is being brought by the DC office, so we have yet another group of prosecutors involved in TrumpRussia: The SDNY, the OSC (Mueller), the NY AG and now the US Attorney in D.C. Remember I told you this genie can’t go back in the bottle?

The evidence is spread around too many offices. As I write this, the spotlight is on Trump’s federal felonies intended to disrupt the election in violation of campaign finance laws (which is a huge big deal, as @Mimirocah1explains).

Meanwhile, the story of the conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia is unfolding over here in Ring #1 of the 12 ring circus. Hi, @StLuGalWe don’t know. What’s so intriguing about all these docs is that key details, obviously known to the prosecution, are left out.

Adding: @JuliaDavisNewsreports what the Russians are saying: …The plea agreement mentions that Butina is at risk of being deported. I would assume she’s safe if she cooperates. Obviously being sent back to Russia would not be good for her, er, health.



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