Roe v. Wade, people who blame the Democrats, and more

I.  The Roe v. Wade decision

What it means:

It means that the reactionary right-wing has succeeded in pushing us back about 50 years.

This is how they did it: For 50 years, they got their voters to the polls, in every election, at all levels. Historically Democrats don’t vote in midterms and pay no attention to elections at the local level.

The right-wing used abortion as its issue to inflame and motivate the Christian Right. Their messaging was simple because their idea was simple: Abortion is murder and people who perform abortions are murderers. They were filled with righteous anger.

And they voted. Because they turned out for elections, they punched above their numbers.

What We Do Now?

We organize and get out the vote.

Organizations are already in place to help women who need the help. Many will have to travel if they need abortions.

We need a solid majority in Congress after 2022. Here is what the Senate can do: First, they eliminate the filibuster.

Then, they reform the Supreme Court.

The Constitution does not specify the number of Supreme Court justices. The number can be changed by Congress.

We’ve had nine justices since the US was sparsely populated. As the country has grown, the number of justices has remained the same. As a result, each justice has disproportionate power. Consider this: We have three branches of government. Control of the Legislative Branch is divided 535 ways: 100 Senators and 435 members of the House. The President has enormous power over one branch of government–but for a limited time. The Judicial Branch is divided only 9 ways, but each Justice has a lifetime appointment.

This gives each Justice way too much power, which is why it’s such a big deal each time one is appointed.

It also means it can take decades to reverse bad decisions.

With lots of justices, they’ll most likely have to divide up in panels. Not every judge will be able to hear every case, so they’ll have to figure out how to issue consistent decisions. Everything about how they operate will change.

It will be important to add justices in a way that is objectively fair. For example, Congress can pass legislation allowing Biden to add a few seats to compensate for the fact that a Supreme Court seat and dozens of justiceships were stolen from Obama, and then add two seats every 4 years bringing the number up to, say 15.

This can only happen with clear Democratic majorities.

Also, don’t call it court-packing, which has bad associations from the time Franklin Delano Roosevelt tried it. (If you all want to know the story, I can do that in a separate post.)

Call it court reform.

They roll us backward. We have to get things rolling forward again.

Before the 2020 election, when Democrats thought they might pick up a larger Senate majority, there was a lot of talk about adding Supreme Court justices (and making Washington D.C. a state).

Now, people are not talking about it much so it doesn’t become a campaign issue that will motivate right-wing voters.

If the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade doesn’t get voters to the polls in 2022, I don’t know what will.

A Supreme Court with Three Justices Appointed by Trump Overturns Roe v. Wade . . . and People Blame the Democrats

Wait, what?

Yes, you heard that right. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, a certain portion of left-leaning social media exploded with anger at the Democrats: How dare they let this happen? If the Democrats were not so weak, this wouldn’t have happened.

If Hillary Clinton had won in 2016, the Supreme Court would look different right now and this wouldn’t have happened.

So how does it happen that after Roe v. Wade is overturned, people blame the pro-choice party?

Like this: A smart person who wants to cause the left to eat itself starts a rumor like “at any time the Democrats could have made sure this didn’t happen,” without regard for the facts or how politics and government work.

Then before you know it, people are blaming the pro-choice party for the loss of choice.

I am in mourning after the Court’s decision, so I just don’t have the energy to sit and debunk all the crazy theories.

Okay, I’ll debunk one. It goes like this, “Obama or Biden at any time could have codified Roe v. Wade.” People pushing this theory don’t explain what would have stopped a radicalized Supreme Court from overturning such legislation at the same time it overturned Roe v. Wade, but rage-inducing simplifications are all about ignoring facts.  Some are even claiming (wrongly) that Biden promised to do so as a campaign promise.

Also, um, the House passed the Women’s Health Care Act.

The Christian Right spent 5 decades turning out their voters with the promise of overturning Roe v. Wade, and then when they succeed, voters blame the Democrats. What a neat trick.

Bashing Democrats helps insure that the Democrats will lose the next few elections, which will put Republicans in power, thereby allowing the Christian Right can win more elections and further solidify its power.

Fact: If the Democrats lose the next few elections, we may sink so deeply into a Christian-fascist state that it will take decades to get out.

How does the trick of blaming Democrats for overturning Roe v. Wade succeed so well?

Right-wing authoritarians have baked-in an advantages: They fall in line. They even like uniforms. (MAGA hats anyone?) Non-authoritarians are disorganized and tend to splinter. So the right-wing (an electoral minority) just needs to get the opposition to eat each other.

People don’t understand that the right-wing worked tirelessly and patiently for almost five decades to achieve their goal of overturning Roe v. Wade. For decades, the promise of this got their voters to the polls, who showed up in elections at all levels.

There are fewer of them, but they punch above their weight because they show up to vote and they stay in line.

Now, people are telling the Democrats, “See, voting doesn’t work!”

(1) “See, voting doesn’t work,” is voter suppression. It doesn’t matter if it comes from evil or from ignorance, if you tell people voting doesn’t matter, and if they believe you, they will not vote.

(2) “See, voting doesn’t matter,” is Orwellian. It’s the ultimate in “up is down.”

The people who appoint Supreme Court justices are elected officials, so if you elect Republicans, you’ll get a conservative Supreme Court. If you elect Democrats, you’ll get a liberal Supreme Court. But there is a campaign out there on social media trying to persuade pro-choice people that voting doesn’t work.

George Orwell taught us how to destroy democracy: Get people to believe the equivalence of “up is down.”

It seems to me the people blaming this on Democrats fall into three groups:

  1. People who hate the Democrats because they actually think “burn it down and start over” is a good strategy.
  2. People who don’t understand how government works.
  3. People who are deliberately trying to cause chaos on the left.

Group 1

Here’s the logic I encounter from Group 1

I say, “The Democrats can win electoral majorities and make real progress.”

Person in Group 1 tells me that I am “naive and peddling fantasy.”

Then Person X starts bashing Democrats and saying nobody should vote for them.

A step toward “burning it down” is for the Democrats to fail. They need this to happen so they can say “See. The entire system is broken.”

Group 2

You can spot people in Group 2 because they say things like,

  • “I voted Democratic and the Democrats have not solved this problem so I am furious at the Democrats.”
  • Why didn’t Obama just codify Roe v Wade when he had the chance?
  • This happened because Democrats don’t “fight harder.”

Once I get past my fury, I will try again to reach those in Group #2.

For now, I think the best response is this: Dear People Who Are Furious at the Democrats because you voted. Voting is only the beginning. Democracy and self-governance means that each one of us is responsible. See my list and figure out how you can help.

“But Teri, people are really angry so you should be more understanding and encouraging.”

If people are so angry that they can’t figure out who keeps hitting them over the head, they’ll keep getting hit over the head.

Only one party is trying to take away your rights.

III. It’s All About Controlling Women

A certain type of person had a predictable reaction to the news that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade:

IV. Impressions from the June 21 Select Committee Hearing

If you missed this hearing, you can find it on C-Span and elsewhere. This one was about Trump’s pressure campaigns on the states, particularly Georgia.

Recall that in early November just after the election, Trump “bombarded the state’s election officials with tweets containing baseless claims of voter fraud.”

In December, Trump began placing direct calls to officials in the state (including Georgia Governor Kemp and AG Chris Carr) urging them to go along with his plans to “decertify” his loss. (Note: “Decertify” isn’t a thing.)

Giuliani appeared before committees in Georgia trying to persuade them to reverse Biden’s win.

On Jan. 2: Trump called Raffensberger and insisted he won the election. He cited a mishmash of crazy theories citing massive fraud, but told Raffensperger that needed only to “find” 11,780 invalid votes.

This insight is from Yale professor Timothy Snyder and perfectly describes Trump’s behavior: Trump spent his life inventing stories and forcing everyone to become actors in the show. Basically, he wrote the script and demanded that people follow it.

He cared nothing about facts (which means he cared nothing about the law).

Before becoming president, he invented the “I’m a successful businessman” narrative and pushed birtherism. As president, he responded to everything from the pandemic to his election loss by ignoring facts and inventing his own script and demanding that Republicans adopt the lies. This is because he has no ability to deal with reality or real problems (like a pandemic). So he invents crises (like foreigners invading the border) and responds to facts he doesn’t like by creating alternate facts.

“We just want the truth,” Trump told Raffensperger, and then went on to tell Raffensperger what the “truth” was. (Hint: The “truth” was whatever Trump says it was, of course.)

In keeping with fascist regimes, Trump encouraged (and did nothing to stop) threats of violence against the officials and ordinary election workers who refused to adopt the invented script.

Republican Liz Cheney said, “We cannot let America become a nation of conspiracy theories and thug violence.”

From Bennie Thompson’s opening: “And a handful of election officials in several key states stood between Donald Trump and the upending of American democracy.”

The committee’s goal today was to show that pressuring Pence was part of a larger pressure campaign on elected officials to upend American democracy.

Thompson talked about what it means to say “institutions held. . .” He said that “institutions” are not abstractions. They are made up of real people. When the “institutions hold out,” it means that the people who make up those institutions do what they’re supposed to do.

(I often say that democracy will survive if enough people want it to and are willing to do the work. People think this is optimistic. Nope– because we don’t know what people will choose to do. That’s why I often write about how autocracy has a lot of appeal. Democracy is messy, slow, grinding work. The autocrat promises to blow through the rules and get things done.)

Republicans as Witnesses

As with the past hearings, what the committee did well was bring in long-time Republicans and even Trump voters as witnesses, a move that is key to packing the most punch, reaching the largest possible audience, and lifting this hearing out of partisan politics.

The Republican witnesses rejected Trump’s false narrative, and in doing so, they faced death threats and threats to their livelihood.

At one point, witness Rusty Bowers, a Republican and Arizona House Speaker, said “I don’t want to be a winner by cheating,” a statement that would, of course, make no sense to Trump.

Bowers also testified that Guiliani actually said the words,  “We have lots of theories but we don’t have the evidence,” a statement completely unhinged.

The Fake Electors Were Duped

We got hints that the fake electors are saying they were duped. If someone finds out that he or she is part of a criminal conspiracy and says “I was duped” it’s a good bet that person is cooperating with law enforcement.

The Toll the Lies Took on People’s Lives

The heart-wrenching testimony was the stories of the death threats and disruptions to people’s lives as a result of being targeted by Donald Trump (a prelude to his targeting of Pence later.)

We heard from a Georgia poll worker, Wandrea Arshaye Moss, and her mother, who were both named by Trump as part of a whacky conspiracy theory involving suitcases of stolen ballots. Moss’s mother was warned by the FBI that she had to move out of her house for her own safety. They had to hide their identities if they went out in public. Moss was afraid to go to a grocery store.

In a pattern that we see again on January 6, Trump did nothing to stop the threats of violence.

Secretary of State Raffensperger’s wife received “disgusting sexualized” threats.

The list went on.

One of the more horrifying details was that Moss, a Black woman, was told she should be grateful that the year was 2020 and not 1920.

The Goal was Chaos

Bowers said that John Eastman asked him (in front of witnesses, including counsel) “to take a vote to decertify the electors because we had plenary authority to do so.” Eastman then basically said: “Just do it and let the courts sort it out.”

It seems to me that the goal of the fake elector plot and the pressure campaign on state officials to take the unprecedented step of refusing to certify the elections (as well as the whole January 6 insurrection) was to create chaos on the theory that the more chaos, the more likely Trump’s supporters could pull something off.

I believe:

  • There is enough evidence to bring charges
  • It would be foolish to bring charges before gathering all the evidence.

What complicates matters is that this investigation is breathtakingly complex and far-flung.

Impressions from the June 23 Select Committee Hearing

First, a word about what it means to “corrupt” the Department of Justice. A key decision in structuring a government is who makes prosecutorial decisions. Who decides who to investigate and who to charge?

In an autocracy, the autocrat decides. In an era of mob rule (lynchings) the mob decides.

As our democratic system of checks and balances is set up, the decisions are made by prosecutors who work independently and have a lot of discretion. In fact, prosecutorial independence and prosecutorial discretion are key components of our system of checks and balances.

The June 23 Hearing

The theme all through these hearings is that no matter how many people tried to talk sense into Trump, he clung to the nuttiest conspiracy theories and grew increasingly desperate to hold on to power.

The June 23 hearing focused on Trump’s attempts to get the DOJ to help him overturn the election by validating the lie that there was election fraud. When acting AG Rosen and others refused, Trump threatened to appoint his stooge Jeffrey Clark to acting AG. Trump’s plan was for Clark to send a letter to key states claiming that there was fraud in order to validate the lie. This meeting happened on January 3. It’s easy to see that the intention was to motivate (and offer cover to) the insurrectionists on January 6.

Witnesses, all high-ranking DOJ officials and Republicans appointed by Trump, talked at length about their efforts to persuade Trump that there was no fraud and that what he wanted the DOJ to do was not legal.

They threatened to resign en masse if Trump fired Rosen and appointed Clark.

After Donaghue explained to Trump why the DOJ legally couldn’t do any of the things he was demanded, Trump responded with, “just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to us.”

What finally got through to Trump and persuaded him to abandon the plan wasn’t the threats of resignation, but that these guys persuaded Trump that the con wouldn’t work: Under the circumstances, if Clark sent out such a letter, nobody would believe it. Everyone would know how it had come about.

The committee also presented evidence about Trump’s plan to seize voting machines. The plan was beyond (1) crazy and (2) dangerous. Once they seized the voting machines, they could have been able to plant false evidence and make any claims at all about fraud, and nobody would be able to challenge them (because they had possession of the evidence.)

The committee also presented equally insane attempts to get the DOJ to work with Trump’s “campaign people.” There’s a legal term called res ipsa loquitur, which means ‘the thing speaks for itself.” The very fact that the DOJ might be working with the Trump campaign speaks for itself. Donaghue and Rosen resisted.

Interesting detail: A number of members of Congress asked for pardons: Brooks, Biggs, Gohmert, Perry, and Marjorie Taylor Green. Some even asked in for pardons via text message (which probably wasn’t the smartest move):


Powerful closing arguments

Kinzinger (a Republican) concluded by saying that the committee can shine a light on the truth, but that isn’t enough . . . “It is now up to every American, now and in the future, to stand up for truth, and stand up to lies wherever we find them.”

Liz Cheney (a Republican) closed by telling Trump’s supporters that he deceived them.

Jeffrey Clark’s Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

Not only was Clark and his role in trying to overturn the election the focus of today’s hearing, also today we learned that FBI agents, as part of the DOJ’s probe into the insurrection and attempts to overturn the election, carried out a search on Clark’s home Wednesday morning. A search like this is not the start of an investigation. To get a search warrant, the DOJ must first collect probable evidence of a crime and then get a federal judge to sign off on the search.

This gives us a clue about how far along the DOJ investigation is because, as I’ve noted elsewhere, their strategy has been to start at the bottom and work their way up. Obviously Jeffrey Clark is reaching close to the top.


(I promised to answer a few questions, but I’m out of room. If you want to send me a question for next week, you can email me here:


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