Joe Walsh, former GOP congressman and right wing radio talkshow host tweeted this about Trump supporters:
I responded. [View here as a Twitter thread]
Hi, Joe: Trump’s followers love it when he lies and fights—because they understand that the lies destroy.
Scholars Hahl, Kim, and Sivan in “The Authentic Appeal of the Lying Demagogue: Proclaiming the Deeper Truth about Political Illegitimacy” explain that those who want to destroy the “political establishment” willingly embrace a liar because they understand that the lies destroy.
Why do Trump’s supporters want to destroy the “political establishment?”
Because, according to the authors, they don’t think the political establishment governs on their behalf. They think the government favors “new groups” over them. This is what the authors call a crisis of legitimacy.
Trump supporters believe they are the “real” people.
When a demagogue lies in a clear attempt to shatter the political establishment and represent them, they think he’s “authentic” and telling a certain kind of truth— even they know he is literally lying.
This is what Sarah Sanders meant when she said the lies point out an important truth.
Example of a lie: “Obama was born in Africa.”
Trump Supporters think: “It might be literally false, but it is true because Obama is not one of the “real people.”
So, Joe, tell me. Did you speak out against birtherism?
Did you say that Obama was secretly a Muslim?
Then you contributed to the problem. Own it.