
The Washington Post

Kanefield, Teri, “Republican rhetoric is getting more extreme because that’s what the base demands,” The Washington Post, April 29, 2021.

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump’s Impeachment Argument: A Defeated President Can Do Whatever he Wants,” The Washington Post, February 9, 2021.

Kanefield, Teri and Mark Reichel, “Trump Said I Could: One Possible Legal Defense for Accused Rioters: If Public Authorities give permission to break the law, defendants can often win acquittals,” The Washington Post, January 11, 2021.

Kanefield, Teri, “Lifetime Tenure Meant Even Trump’s Supreme Court Picks Could Resist His Pressure: Republicans everywhere had folded to Trump’s fantasies. It took an independent judiciary to shut him down,” The Washington Post, December 11, 2020.

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump is Failing Because Institutions are Holding Strong Against Him: Election rules, courts and everyday citizens are preventing the president from overturning the election results” The Washington Post, November, 19, 2020.

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump Can’t Avoid A Transfer Of Power: He just wants just to think he can,” The Washington Post, September 25, 2020.

NBC (Op-Ed)

Kanefield, Teri, “Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back,” March 28, 2021,

Kanefield, Teri, “Covid Stimulus Bill Passes as Republicans use Cancel Culture to hide their Obstruction,” March 11, 2021,

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump’s White House Lawyers are Trying to Stop A Last-Minute Impeachment Repeat,” December 18, 2020.

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump and Giuliani’s Georgia Election Fraud Farce Underscores Republican Party’s Civil War,” December 4, 2020.

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump Impeachment Inquiry Bombshells Imperil Republicans’ Circumstantial Evidence Defense,” November 21, 2019.

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump and Giuliani’s Impeachment Defense Pushes America Closer to a ‘Mafia State,'” November 5, 2019.

Kanefield, Teri, ‘No quid pro quo?’ Why Trump’s Impeachment Defense Sounds a lot like his Mueller Defense,” October 19, 2019.

Kirschner, Glenn and Kanefield, Teri, “Democrats Trump Impeachment Inquiry Should Revisit the Testimony of Michael Cohen“, October 10, 2019.

CNN. Com (Op-Ed)

Kanefield, Teri, “Romney’s astonishing nonsense about Amash and Mueller,” May 21, 2019.

Kanefield, Teri, “The real reason Trump is pushing a free speech order on college campuses,” March 6, 2019.

USA Today

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump’s Presidential Pardons Are an Abuse of Power, But We Have Ways to Fight Them,” December 3, 2020.

Slate Magazine

Kanefield, Teri, “Why Trump Supporters Will Believe Any Lie He Tells,” From Kavanaugh to Khashoggi, they are immune to the truth,” Oct. 19, 2018.

Kanefield, Teri and Shugerman, Jed, “Why the Big Double Jeopardy Supreme Court Case Isn’t a Threat to the Mueller Probe,” Slate, October 4, 2018.

Kanefield, Teri and Shugerman, Jed, “How to Prevent Future Family Separations: Prosecute Federal Officials,” Slate, July 3, 2018.

Kanefield, Teri and Shugerman, Jed, “Trump’s Family Separations are Unconstitutional: The courts must award damages to families torn apart by the policy,” Slate, June 21, 2018.

Just Security (Published by New York University)

Kanefield, Teri, “Trump’s 2020 Election Reality Show,” November 7, 2020.

Kanefield, Teri and Vladeck, Steve, “Election Law Primer: What to Expect During and After the 2020 Election,” October 29, 2020. Republished by Just Security on November 3, 2020.

Kanefield, Teri, “Don’t Believe Trump’s Latest Con: The Strongman,” September 29, 2020.



“The Mystery of Sound,” Cricket Magazine, Vol. 40, Number 7, April, 2013.

“The Other Natalia,” The MacGuffin, April 1997.

“The Girl who Killed her Parents,” The American Literary Review, Fall 1996.

“Signing,” The Iowa Review, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1995.

“The Power of Secrets,” The Writers’ Forum (University of Colorado), Vol. 19, 1993.


Essays, 1995 – 2014

“The Girl from the Tarpaper School, Part II,” Cricket Magazine, Vol. 41, Number 6, March 2014 (Book excerpt)

“The Girl from the Tarpaper School, Part I,” Cricket Magazine, Vol. 41, Number 5, February 2014 (Book excerpt)

Imagine This Was Your School,” Scope Magazine, February 2014.

“The Best Interests of the Child,” appeared in Reaching the Bar: Stories of Women at All Stages of Their Law Career, published in 2009 by Kaplan Book.

From Literature to Litigation,The Recorder (San Francisco’s legal newspaper), August 8, 2001. Available as a pdf here.

“Buchenwald from the Train,” The Jewish Currents, April 1999.

Lemmings,” Education Week, December 13, 1995.

“An American Jew Visits Dresden,” The Jewish Currents, December 1995.

“In Defense of the Romance,” Women’s Work, 1995.

Book Reviews (1994)

Review of The Heart and Stomach of a King: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power, by Carole Levin. Publisher’s Weekly, July 18, 1994.

Circle of Women: An Anthology of Contemporary Western Writers, edited by Kim Barnes and Mary Clearman Blew, Publisher’s Weekly, June 6, 1994

Review of Clare, by John McKenna, Publisher’s Weekly, May 2, 1994.

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