TrumpRussia… Mueller subpoenaed Trump Org records. So what is the Trump-Russia connection? NYT provided a list. For 30 years Trump repeatedly sought to conduct business in Russia, including several in person visits. He took Miss Universe to Moscow and “met the top people” There was a Moscow Trump hotel in the works during the campaign. Trump …

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Liberals v. Conservatives

[View here as a Twitter thread]   thread) How to bridge the great divide? Maybe by understanding? I found this study interesting. “Liberals and Conservatives have different brain types.” Here’s a quick summary of this study from Current Biology:… 2/ Reminder: the Repub. Party is no longer conservative; it’s authoritarian. Which is what Jeff Flake …

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Lawsuit attacking the Mueller probe

 A new lawsuit was just filed attacking the Mueller probe. The complaint is here:…  2/ A Constitutional appellate lawyer, Schaerr, representing an unnamed member of Trump’s campaign and transition, is suing the government for records, looking for evidence that the intel agencies illegally “unmasked” (under the FISA warrant) members of the Trump team 3/ Manafort …

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Mueller subpoenas the Trump Org

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) So Mueller subpoenaed Trump Org. records.… What might this mean? My guess: Mueller already has proof of criminal activity. Here’s why: He can get tax records from the IRS and bank records from banks. He doesn’t need to go through Trump org. 2/ Plus he has testimony from …

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Authoritarianism is not a Momentary Madness

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Here’s a summary of “Authoritarianism is not a Momentary Madness” by former Princeton Professor Karen Stenner and NYU Professor Jonathan Haidt. This is one of the more complex essays in the collection: Can it Happen Here? Authoritarianism in America. 2/ First, a definition. Authoritarianism is a strict …

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Where Mueller is going: Conspiracy

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Interesting prediction on where Mueller is going based on how he charged the 13 Russians who interferred in our election.… Here’s a quick summary. . . 2/ facts: 13 Russians stole American identities & posed as real Americans to create discord & spread distrust in our political system. …

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Steve Bannon wrecks the establishment

Sensational headline but the article doesn’t quite call it like it is.…  Europe is experiencing a rise in nationalism like it saw in the 1930s & Bannon is there fanning the flames and taking his Breitbart message worldwide. It’s helpful to remember that Bannon calls himself alt-right, meaning right-wing authoritarian nationalism based on white supremacy. Aside: …

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Can it Happen Here? Authoritarianism in America

[View here as a Twitter thread]  I’m reading: CAN IT HAPPEN HERE? Authoritarianism in America. Pretty much the question of the hour, right? The book consists of 9 essays by 9 separate scholars. Stand by for (very) brief summaries of the essays. Lots of people naturally gravitate toward a police state. “Who voted for Trump? …

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