The Deep State Theory

[View here as a Twitter thread] Trump hit on a way to beat Mueller: A Criminal Deep State theory. Spoiler: Trumpsters fall for it by believing it. Everyone else falls for it by spending their time discussing it. Source for quotations in this thread: The theory: John Brennan, former FBI director, masterminded a plot to …

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Putin’s playbook

  (thread) Putin’s playbook and Trump. Since at least 2010, Trump has been getting ideas from Putin. Example: In 2010, Russian TV “toyed” with the idea that Obama was born in Africa. Soon after, Trump picked up the theme. (See attached snippet from Snyder’s book). [View here as a Twitter thread] share this postFacebookRedditTwitteremailPinterestLinkedin

Conspiracy and bribery, continued.

What crimes might Cohen have committed when raking in more than $4.4 million through his shell company Essential Consultants? This is Part II This thread picks up where the Bribery and Conspiracy thread left off:   [To read, please click here to view here as a Twitter thread] share this postFacebookRedditTwitteremailPinterestLinkedin

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