[Click here to read on the Slate website] Last week, federal Judge Dana M. Sabraw issued a nationwide injunction   ending the Trump administration policy of removing children from families entering the United States. This order was an important first step, but legal and practical problems mean separations could very well resume, and reunifications face enormous obstacles. There …

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Trump’s Crimes (yes, there are many)

I still see Mueller-skeptics asking “So what crimes did Trump commit? Last I heard Comey said there was no evidence.” You can always show them my list: http://russia-investigation-summary.com/crimes/  (includes only TrumpRussia related crimes, not, for example, Cohen’s business crimes). [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter thread]   share this postFacebookRedditTwitteremailPinterestLinkedin

My thoughts on the judge’s order

I’m happy to offer my thoughts on the challenges of reuniting the children, including possible difficulties in the judge’s order.   The first problem is that some of the children may have been “lost” . . . @jedshug @KameliaKilawan [To continue reading, please click here to view here as a Twitter thread]   share this …

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Trump’s Showdown with Liberal Democracy

Trump’s showdown with liberal democracy continues. Trump received pushback from his separate-families-at-the-border policy, intended to punish and deter asylum seekers. He came up with something worse: Hostage Taking. Thus under the new policy, the government is kidnapping the children & holding them as hostages until the parents agree to leave the country, offering parents a …

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For easy retweeting and argument settling: “The Due Process Clause applies to all ‘persons’ within the United States, including aliens, whether their presence here is lawful, unlawful, temporary, or permanent.” Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678 (2001) Due process, including a fair hearing on parental fitness, is required before the government can interfere with a …

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Trump’s Cultural War Part I

(Thread) Trump and the cultural war. Part I: Background Spoiler 1: I believe that Trump’s strategy, to distract from Mueller’s findings, will be to try to ignite a dangerous cultural war. Spoiler 2: Trumpism is all about race. [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter thread] share this postFacebookRedditTwitteremailPinterestLinkedin

Now that President Trump has issued an executive order that may perhaps end his administration’s policy of family separation, there are still many outstanding questions: What happens to new families entering the United States? Will there be a Separation 2.0, just like there was a Travel Ban 2.0? And most distressingly, what happens to the children who have …

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The “separate the children” policy is unconstitutional under two leading cases.

There are a lot of people writing about how separating children from parents is “not the law.” In fact, what’s happening is unconstitutional under two leading Supreme Court cases. Here you go everyone: Twitter Law 101 The U.S. Supreme Court has held that parents have a Constitutional right to the care and custody of their …

The “separate the children” policy is unconstitutional under two leading cases. Read More »

(thread) Children in cages: Trump’s showdown with Liberal Democracy. With Trump doubling down on his “remove children at the border” strategy, this may be a fight to the death: If Trump wins, democracy loses. OTOH, if Trump gets his wings clipped now, he could be finished. [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter thread] …

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