“waiving privilege” and the crime-fraud exception

[View here as a Twitter thread]   What are the implications of Trump “waiving privilege” to the tape? Spoiler: None. Trump didn’t “waive” privilege because the tape isn’t privileged under the crime-fraud exception. 1/ Attorney-Client privilege is a rule that protects client confidentiality. For material to be privileged, it must be an actual client communicating …

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The Making (or unmaking?) of America

[View here as a Twitter thread]   I woke up on Nov. 9, 2016 to discover it was 1828—the year Andrew Jackson (white supremacist, dangerous demagogue, defender of slavery)—won the presidency against a brainy super-qualified policy wonk & former secretary of state. 2/ Plenty of people despised Jackson’s racism. Given the all white male electorate, …

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Trump’s Cultural War, III

[View here as a Twitter thread]   Trump’s Cultural War: Part III: What’s next? Part I begins here: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… Trump’s response to the indictment of the Russian military officials who hacked the US and his private meeting with Putin tells us everything we need to know. So what’s next? 1/ Trump responded to the indictment by blaming …

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7-13 Indictment

[View here as a Twitter thread] Summary of 7-13 indictment. I’ve updated the main page of my website with a summary and short analysis of the new indictment, complete with links: russia-investigation-summary.com For easy retweeting and argument settling, I’ll put the summary here. 1/ Summary: Russian military officials conspired with persons “known and unknown to the grand …

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Volunteering at the Border

[View here as a Twitter thread] I spent this past week volunteering for RAICES at a detention center south of San Antonio Texas. @RAICESTEXAS This thread is for people who want to know how they can help. Here’s some information on the program and the clients: More information here: aila.org/practice/pro-b… They need “lawyers.” Lawyers is in quotations because you …

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Twitter Summary of Slate (separate families) article.

(thread) @jedshug and I co-authored this Slate article on next steps in the Trump administration’s separate-the-families-at-the-border policy. People may find it controversial (understatement). Let’s see if I can summarize the law & analysis in 8 tweets. [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter thread] share this postFacebookRedditTwitteremailPinterestLinkedin

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