What’s up with Devin Nunes?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   Spoiler: Maybe he’s succeeding. Someone attended a Nunes fundraiser, recorded him & gave the recordings to Maddow. msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-… Nunes: “If Sessions won’t unrecuse himself and Mueller won’t clear the president . . .” 1/We’re the only ones. . . We have to keep the majority . . . or all …

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What the heck is Sen. Paul Rand doing in Moscow?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   What the heck is Sen. Paul Rand doing in Moscow? (Other than opening “lines of communication” and inviting Russian lawmakers to the US) abcnews.go.com/International/… Answer: Fox-GOP is moving toward openly embracing its Kremlin ties. 2/ . . . and that includes acknowledgment that Trump & pals coordinated with Russia during …

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When the penny hits the ground

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (1) This is a great thread Thanks to @Talon269 and @julievzwilson for sharing it with me.https://twitter.com/djrothkopf/status/992382428231749633 … It raises the question that has been on my mind: How will the Fox-GOP respond when the penny hits the ground? And it appears that the actual penny will soon land. (2) Today Twitter is abuzz …

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Stop underestimating Trump

[View here as a Twitter thread]   This is for the people who read this: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield…and say: “I don’t believe Trump is that smart!” Consider the similarity between the lie Trump told Congress about how domestic terrorists , and Putin’s lie about the “homo dictatorship.” 1/ Recall that when Ukranians protested against Yanukovych, the lie told …

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Maybe Trump knows what he’s doing

[View here as a Twitter thread]   People still underestimate Trump. They say things like: Trump knows he’s caught! So now he’s going to do something desperate like start a war! Or: There he goes again! Telling more outrageous lies! Or: He can’t control his impulses! He’s self-destructing! 1/ Let’s consider another possibility: He knows …

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So many Americans still don’t understand what happened

[View here as a Twitter thread]    Ideas come mostly from Yale Prof. Snyder’s 6-26-18 lecture. m.youtube.com/watch?v=4eydzJ… Punchline: Most Americans in 2016 didn’t know they were under attack. Many still don’t understand that the Russians went to war, won, and selected the US President. 1/ Americans still don’t fully understand what hit them. So how the heck …

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Why the Manafort trial matters

[View here as a Twitter thread]   Why the Manafort trial matters. Spoiler: Because it will illustrate the depth of the GOP-Russia connection. And because it will highlight the connection between what Manafort did in Ukraine and what the Manafort-Trump team did in the US in 2016.  “But,” you say, “The prosecutors said they won’t …

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