Is Donald Trump a fascist?

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) Is Donald Trump a fascist? Yes, of course. Asking the question—and having a national conversation about the answer—could save the nation from fascism. Here’s what I mean. #TrumpIsAFascist 1/ Trump expertly controls the media. He has turned the presidency into Reality TV by creating an endless cycle of crises …

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What’s up with Trump’s latest tweets?

[View here as a Twitter thread] He’s flooding the zone—and it’s working. My feed this morning is filled with things like this: Ted Lieu debunking Trump’s latest law conspiracy theory. 1/ . . . and reports that Trump is again called the press the enemy of the people, and three hours later, the Boston Globe was …

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Putin & America’s far right wing

[View here as a Twitter thread]  Information in this thread comes from Yale Professor Timothy Snyder’s Road to Unfreedom. Putin consolidated power by torpedoing rule of law, which he did by undermining the existence of facts. Nothing is true, he said. Everyone lies. 1/His strategy: tell outrageous lies and turn news into entertainment, while convincing …

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Did Trump Aid and Abet a Campaign Finance Law violation?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Cohen pleaded guilty to 52 USC 30116(a)(1)(A) and (a)(7), making excessive and unreported in-kind campaign violations through his payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. 1/ Under penalty of perjury, Cohen said he made the payments for the purpose of influencing the election and “at the direction” of Trump.… Cohen …

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So what crimes did Trump commit?

[View here as a Twitter thread] MAGA people are still asking: What crimes did Trump commit? The problem isn’t just “separate media bubbles.” The problem is that part of the population the victim of highly effective right wing propaganda. This thread is to help with argument settling. 1/ This list is for Trump and Trump …

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When lies are “truth”

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) When lies are the “truth” Dershowitz says, “every” candidate breaks laws. Trump and Giuliani lie constantly. Etc. Trump supporters knows they’re lies, yet they cheer. Professors Hahl, Kim & @ewzucker have an explanation that goes beyond Orwell. 1/ The study… starts with 2 definitions: A “crisis of legitimacy” is when a group doesn’t …

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