[Click here to read on the Washington Post website]. The drama Tuesday night in Wayne County, Mich., over whether to certify the election results was the perfect illustration of President Trump’s attempts to undermine the 2020 election and install himself as the winner — and also of why he’s not succeeding. Trump’s efforts are failing, …

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Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue

First things first. Would you like to read about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s early life (and a bit about the history of women and law)? I’ve made the first 9 chapters of one of my books—Ginsburg’s early life—available free. Click here to read the first nine chapters of Free to Be Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  by Teri Kanefield. Ruth …

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Commercialized Healthcare is a Terrible Idea

I finished Our Malady. All screenshots are from the Kindle edition. Our Malady book opens with Yale professor Timothy Snyder (who you all know is one of my favorite scholars) in a hospital after a series of medical mistakes almost killed him.  Flannery O’Connor, in Mystery and Manners, says that facing death is the “most …

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Cults, Lies, and more Sadopopulism

Mindy asked me these questions about Trump’s Town Hall yesterday:  Her questions assume that the GOP wants the same form of government we want. Her questions assume that the truth matters to the GOP. They don’t, and it doesn’t. Sociologist Max Weber explains why. In his essay, Politics as Vocation, he describes three sources of …

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Hell Hath No Fury Like a Fixer Scorned

The value of this book is that Cohen was a first-hand witness (with receipts) to TrumpWorld crimes. During Michael Cohen’s testimony before Congress on February 27, 2019, Congressional Republicans hurled childish Trump-like insults at him. He looked them over and said, “I am responsible for your silliness because I did the same things that you …

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