How Trump’s Stupid Lawsuits Could (and should) Backfire on the GOP

[Disclaimer: I’m writing quickly at the end of a long day. Any typing errors or garbled sentences are the fault of keyboard gremlins.] Trump and pals have been busy trying to subvert American democracy. They’re finding out it isn’t so easy. I. Wayne County Canvassing Board There was a bit of drama today out of …

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Sadopopulism Again (and Pardons, and more)

Seems not everyone has heard of Sadopopulism (Timothy Snyder’s term) Trump voters have always suffered from his policies. They suffer from tax policies that makes them poorer. They suffer when they don’t have health care. They suffer from cuts in education and public welfare. But they love Trump because he tells them beautiful lies. He …

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[Click here to read on the Just Security website.] President Donald Trump governs—and manages his own life—as if all the world is a reality show. He writes the script and directs the play—and we all find ourselves trapped in a world of his creation. When Trump succeeds, it is because so many of his followers …

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The 2020 Trump Election Show

We’re almost on the other side. As I write this, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina are counting votes. It definitely wasn’t what we hoped for. A Biden win (which seems highly likely) stops the slide to autocracy. But not winning the Senate puts us in a holding pattern: With a Republican-held Senate and …

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The Republican Election Strategy: Get Rid of the Ballots

Remember when Trump said that if we “get rid of ballots” there won’t be a transition of power? Looks like a few Republicans took that to heart. They’re not stopping with absentee ballots. They’re going after any ballots in Democratic-leaning areas. A group of Republicans filed a petition earlier this week to halt “drive-through” voting …

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The Republican Election Strategy: Get Rid of the Ballots

Remember when Trump said that if we “get rid of ballots” there won’t be a transition of power? Looks like a few Republicans took that to heart. They’re not stopping with absentee ballots. They’re going after any ballots in Democratic-leaning areas. A group of Republicans filed a petition earlier this week to halt “drive-through” voting …

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