It All Boils Down to This

No matter how you frame the problem facing the US—Voter suppression, Mitch McConnell’s obstructionism, income inequality, the spread of disinformation—it basically boils down to this: A significant percentage of Americans do not want a liberal democracy, by which I mean: If you missed the latest bit of insanity, a group of elected Republican members of …

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Voting Machines: Left-Wing Fear-Mongering and Hope Porn

I had a hard time answering this question⬇️ because it brought back an unpleasant memory: The time I tried to explain on Twitter that the voting machines in Georgia were secure. So before I answer this question, let me tell you a story. First, my credentials. I monitored polling places and machine vote tabulation in …

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Why is Newsmax Scared?

This is what scared looks like: Why is Newsmax scared? The same reason FOX is scared: They’re scared because Dominion and Smartmatic are threatening to sue for damages over the wild lies told about their companies. Because these companies (particularly Dominion) are probably close to ruined, the damages are substantial. Smartmatic threatening to sue members …

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How the NRA helped get us into this mess. . .

. . .and how we can get out. I read ⤵️ and I’m ready with a Twitter Book Report. (I supplemented with information from The Second Amendment: A Biography, by Michael Waldman.) The NRA was founded in 1871 by a former Union general and soldier who were appalled by the terrible marksmanship of Union soldiers. …

How the NRA helped get us into this mess. . . Read More »

My latest Op Ed for NBC. You can read on the NBC website, or here: The White House counsel’s office has evidently cautioned President Donald Trump against firing FBI Director Christopher Wray. The lawyers told Trump that canning Wray could make it seem like Trump required officials to pass a loyalty test, according to NBC News …

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Rape is a Means of Asserting Patriarchial Power

This is how Trump doubles down on the portion of the electorate he believes will keep him relevant. If he controls the White Christian Evangelical voters, he controls GOP candidates who can’t win without them. The governor of California, who obviously feels frustrated, expresses the irony of appealing to Christians while withholding aid during a …

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The Firehose of Falsehoods and the Leadership Principle

My reading recommendation is the Rand Corp study, “The Russian Firehose of Falsehoods Propaganda Model,” which includes advice on how to counter a rapid and continuous stream of lies. The user of this propaganda technique demonstrates a “shameless willingness” to tell outrageous lies that lots of people know are lies. The liar doesn’t care about …

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No, Nevada Electors were Not Cast For Trump (facepalm)

This “news” was “breaking” today on Twitter ⬇️ Maybe it came across your social media as well: I understand that similar charades were acted out in other states as well. If you found yourself trying to explain to confused people on Facebook why that was nonsense, here’s a primer: Election Law 101. Because of the …

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No, Nevada Electors were Not Cast For Trump (facepalm)

This “news” was “breaking” today on Twitter ⬇️ Maybe it came across your social media as well: I understand that similar charades were acted out in other states as well. If you found yourself trying to explain to confused people on Facebook why that was nonsense, here’s a primer: Election Law 101. Because of the …

No, Nevada Electors were Not Cast For Trump (facepalm) Read More »

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