Combatting Disinformation

Journalist Ben Kesling said this: I’ll add that Finland (which declared independence from Russia in 1917) knows a thing or two about fighting Russian disinformation campaigns, and they have successfully resisted disinformation campaigns. It’s not a coincidence that the same people who spread disinformation are not interested in funding public schools. While doing research for …

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Covid stimulus bill passes as Republicans use cancel culture to hide their obstruction

Here’s my latest Op-Ed for NBC. If you read all my posts, this may seem repetitive, but my editor at NBC wanted me to write this up for her, and who am I to say no? You can read it on the NBC Think site here. I also cut and pasted it here: A simple …

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The Republican Party is Shrinking, but . . .

. . . they’re dangerous. What’s going on right now is that there is a pernicious effort across several states to make voting more difficult. The Republican Party has evidently decided if fewer people can vote, they’ll win. The move to make voting harder is based on the lie that there was widespread voting fraud. …

The Republican Party is Shrinking, but . . . Read More »


I’ll start with how and why right-wing extremists outrage their own people. Keeping their own people outraged is a fascist strategy. Yale professor Timothy Snyder calls it Sadopopulism. The formula works like this: Modern fascists leaders need to hurt their own constituents. You can’t have a white grievance party if the constituents are not grieving. …

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Lies, Liars, and the Capitol Riots

Are you annoyed by all those lying liars—including U.S. Senators—who are still spreading the lie about the election being stolen? Yeah, me, too. Well, lying and presenting myths as a way to solidify power goes all the way back to the ancient world. Take the Behistun Inscription. In huge lettering on the side of a …

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Entertain Them and Keep them Cold

Professor Brian Klaas observed the following: This is precisely what Yale Professor Timothy Snyder calls “governing by crisis and spectacle.” The purpose of a fascist government is to maintain order, which means keeping the ruling oligarchs rich and everyone else poor. This raises a problem for fascist leaders. How do they keep their constituents happy …

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A New Lawsuit Against Trump and Pals

First, some news about a lawsuit, and then I’ll answer some questions. The N.A.A.C.P. filed a new lawsuit against Trump, Giuliani, the Proud Boys, and Oathkeepers on behalf of Rep. Bennie Thompson. The complaint is here. He accuses Defendants of violating the KKK act, which outlaws (among other things) preventing an official from discharging duties. …

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