What we learn from the history of the Second Amendment.

This morning I gave a talk to this group: Here is an [edited] transcription of the talk along with citations and a list of sources at the end. The title of this talk is  “What We Learn from the History of the Second Amendment.” The history of the Second Amendment of course includes the history …

What we learn from the history of the Second Amendment. Read More »

Did Trump incite a riot under D.C. Code 22-1322?

Once more, this is a transcription of a video I recorded. I find it easier to record a video, and then publish a transcript. The question I’ll be exploring is whether Trump incited a riot under the D.C. Code. (Sources at the end). Washington DC attorney general Karl Racines said that he’s looking into whether …

Did Trump incite a riot under D.C. Code 22-1322? Read More »

Dominon Sues Fox News for Libel

When former president Trump and pals were spreading their lies about how the election was stolen, an important part of their story was lies about two companies that produce voting equipment: Smartmatic and Dominion. These companies responded separately by filing libel suits against Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, and Fox News, including lots of …

Dominon Sues Fox News for Libel Read More »

Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back.

My latest Op-Ed for NBC News is here on the NBC site, or you can read it here: If your policies are unpopular with most voters, and if your party narrowly lost an election because of a voter surge, and if your own party’s demographics are shrinking, what do you do? Do you change your …

Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back. Read More »

Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back.

My latest Op-Ed for NBC News is here on the NBC site, or you can read it here: If your policies are unpopular with most voters, and if your party narrowly lost an election because of a voter surge, and if your own party’s demographics are shrinking, what do you do? Do you change your …

Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back. Read More »

Of Course the Republicans Took Putin’s Side

I’m still out here camping in the desert, so I almost missed the meltdown on social media when members of the Republican Party basically took Putin’s side when Putin challenged Biden to a debate. Yesterday I thought it was just a stupid troll when I told you about the person on my Twitter feed who …

Of Course the Republicans Took Putin’s Side Read More »

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