Justice (and Rudy Giuliani’s First Amendment Defense)

[As I’ve been doing the past few weeks, this blog post started out as a Youtube video. This post is an edited transcription. The video is here.] This week I will talk about justice in general, and in particular, Rudy Giuliani’s First Amendment defense to the charge that he helped incite a violent insurrection. As …

Justice (and Rudy Giuliani’s First Amendment Defense) Read More »

Lies that Destroy (and why they are getting more outrageous)

This blog post started as a 12-minute video. If you prefer to listen (or you want to see my pretty green and gold office) you can see it here. A few examples of increasingly outrageous lies from the past week: Republican Congressman Andrew Clyde, in talking about what happened at the Capitol on January 6th, …

Lies that Destroy (and why they are getting more outrageous) Read More »

The Radicalization of the Republican Party

This blog post started out as a YouTube video. What follows is an [edited] transcription. A few days ago, Republican Senator Ted Cruz published an Op Ed in the Wall Street Journal, and Tweeted the conclusion: Social media understood right away this was a stunning admission that Ted Cruz takes corporate money in exchange for …

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Why Republican Rhetoric is Getting more Extreme

I wrote this piece for The Washington Post. You can read it on the The Washington Post website, or read it here: The Republican Party is caught in a spiral of radicalization: Having alienated moderates and corporate donors, some prominent GOP figures are turning to grass roots funding from the more radical segment of its …

Why Republican Rhetoric is Getting more Extreme Read More »

The Radicalization of the Republican Party

I wrote this piece for The Washington Post. You can read it on the The Washington Post website, or read it here: The Republican Party is caught in a spiral of radicalization: Having alienated moderates and corporate donors, some prominent GOP figures are turning to grass roots funding from the more radical segment of its …

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There is no Grand Plan

Last night, Professor Heather Cox Richardson ended her thought-provoking Letter from An American with this: “Last month, six in ten Republicans in a Reuters/Ipsos poll said they believed the election was stolen. Where do Republican lawmakers think this is going to end?” Heather Cox Richardson is the author of: So her question comes from someone …

There is no Grand Plan Read More »

What we learn from the history of the Second Amendment.

This morning I gave a talk to this group: Here is an [edited] transcription of the talk along with citations and a list of sources at the end. The title of this talk is  “What We Learn from the History of the Second Amendment.” The history of the Second Amendment of course includes the history …

What we learn from the history of the Second Amendment. Read More »

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