How a Lawsuit to “Protect” Executive Privilege could Backfire on Trump

What  I’m about to tell you first appeared in an article I wrote for Just Security, published by New York University School of Law entitled, “Why a Trump Lawsuit to “Protect” Executive Privilege Could Backfire: Inviting the DC court to consider whether the crime-fraud exception applies.” For more details, links, legal citations, see. The Select …

How a Lawsuit to “Protect” Executive Privilege could Backfire on Trump Read More »

The Eastman Memo: The Plan to Overturn the 2020 Election

This blog post started out as a YouTube video. You can see it here. This week we learned that a lawyer who was working with Trump to try to overturn the election detailed a six-step plan for how to hand the presidency back to Donald Trump. The lawyer is John Eastman, a former clerk for …

The Eastman Memo: The Plan to Overturn the 2020 Election Read More »

Trump’s Criminal Liability in Georgia

This blog post started out as a YouTube video, here.  Today I am going to do a deep dive into Trump’s criminal liability in the Georgia matter. By “Georgia matter” I mean Trump’s phone call to Secretary of State Raffensperger after it was clear Trump lost the election in Georgia when he pressed Raffensperger to …

Trump’s Criminal Liability in Georgia Read More »

When will these attacks on American democracy end?

This blog post started out as a video, which you can see here. Today, I am going to address this comment, made in response to another Trump lie about elections being rigged: I’ll give you the spoiler up front. Then I’ll explain. As long as you have a democracy, you will have people trying to undermine …

When will these attacks on American democracy end? Read More »

“It’s my body and I’ll VAX if I want to . . .and we’re criminalizing abortion!”

Some people out there are saying things like: In fact, the Republicans in control of Texas have been strongly anti-mask and anti-vaccine. Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order prohibiting government entities from mandating masks: And yet, Texas passed a draconian anti-abortion law. There seems to be a contradiction here, right? “It’s my body …

“It’s my body and I’ll VAX if I want to . . .and we’re criminalizing abortion!” Read More »

Trump and the Instigators of the Insurrection: Proving Intent

This blog post started as a YouTube video. You can see it here. A lot of this blog post comes from the NBC Think Op-Ed piece I published this week entitled, “What was Trump’s Role During the Capitol Riot? The House Plans to Find out. You can read it here. I’ll expand on the ideas …

Trump and the Instigators of the Insurrection: Proving Intent Read More »

More About White Supremacy and Hierarchy

This blog post started as YouTube video, here. Last week I wrote about the link between white supremacy, hierarchies and the anti-mask and anti-vaccine “debate.” I received some interesting comments and questions, which will serve as a good jumping-off point to expand on those ideas, and dig deeper into these connections. So, first, to very …

More About White Supremacy and Hierarchy Read More »

White Supremacy, Hierarchy, and the Anti-Mask “debate.”

This blog post started as a YouTube video. You can see it here. You may have noticed that certain Republican leaders have evidently decided that coming out against masks and vaccines during a pandemic is a winning strategy. The Republican governors of Texas, Florida, and Mississippi, for example, have taken particularly strong anti-mask positions. Mississippi …

White Supremacy, Hierarchy, and the Anti-Mask “debate.” Read More »

Why They Are Anti-Government and Pro-Insurrection

In May I wrote a blog post called the Radicalization of the Republican Party giving a historical overview of how the Republican Party came to be well, so radicalized. This picks up where that one left off, but if you missed that one, no worries. This one should stand alone. This week, religious-right commentator Eric …

Why They Are Anti-Government and Pro-Insurrection Read More »

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