Alvin Bragg and the Trump Org Financial Prosecution

I. Merrick Garland Update I’ve updated my post entitled “Merrick Garland and the Rule of Law.” I added new material and I asked Mark Reichel, an experienced defense lawyer, to weigh in and offer his views. Please check it out. It is turning into a comprehensive FAQ on Merrick Garland and what is (or isn’t) …

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Why Republicans Break Laws

First, some history for perspective. (Stick with me. I promise this will be worth it). Nineteenth-century American society was a patriarchy: a social hierarchy with White men at the top and Black women at the bottom. Laws reflect cultural values. As the culture changes, laws change. Laws in the 19th century reinforced the patriarchy. Example: A …

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But What About Hunter Biden?

Apparently Hunter Biden is in the news again. Recall that this is what happened just before the 2020 election: Hunter Biden allegedly showed up at a computer repair shop with three water-damaged laptop computers. According to John Paul Mac Isaac, the proprietor of that shop, one of the three computers was beyond repair, one simply needed …

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The DOJ Investigation Into the Capital Attack (FAQS)

This blog post is meant to be read in order. Later answers are shorter because they rely on the information presented in the earlier answers. CONTENTS Part I: Frequently Asked Questions (and comments that require a response) Why is the DOJ investigation taking so long? All those heavyweights and people who should know are saying …

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Seditious Conspiracy, Tyranol, and More

I.  Tyranol Last week I wrote about the Renewed Relevance of the Great Fox-Trump-Putin Love Affair, and all those Republicans who are suddenly deciding that maybe supporting Putin isn’t such a good idea.  If you missed it, it’s here. Anyway, I thought you’d enjoy this piece on Tyranol: Are you a conservative who praised Putin, …

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Three Views of American History (and a way forward)

I. The Progressive or Liberal View Correct. A good way to understand today’s politics is by considering the different views of American history. The liberal, or progressive view, can be visualized as an upward slope. According to this view, the founders started with some pretty good ideas: The idea of a government based on rule …

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The Renewed Relevance of the Great Fox-Trump-Putin Love Affair

First I’ll talk about how and why the Republican Party embraced Putin, and what it means that so many prominent Republicans are now either hiding from or backpedaling their previous support for Putin. I. The GOP-Trump-FOX-Russia Love Affair Here’s a timeline: 2013: Russia enacted anti-homosexual legislation.  2014: Pat Buchanan noted that Putin was “entering a claim that Moscow is …

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Trump had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Week . . .

. . .  and it looks like his legal troubles are going to get worse. This week I did a piece for the Washington Post. I posted it below. But first, I’ll do a quick summary of Trump’s week. Also, in case you missed it, Rudy Giuliani attacked Eminem for taking a knee during the …

Trump had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Week . . . Read More »

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