Looking evil in the eye

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12 package/bombs have been sent to former presidents, a secretary of state, leading Democrats, CNN & others. Trump turns the incident into another way to criticize the media.

2/ Trump gives no indication that he’d care if, say, Obama was assassinated. Okay, so, what does Trump do when he goes to work each day? He isn’t concerned with bettering the lives of the citizens by making sure they have basics like health care and better education.

3/ A fascist leader is not concerned with bettering the lives of the citizens. Fascism is about hierarchy—those at the top have power, those at the bottom are loyal. They don’t WANT those at the bottom to be upwardly mobile, which creates instability and threatens them.

4/ But you can’t tell people THAT. So you tell them a good story. You tell them that their enemies are going to get them, and they need the Leader to protect them. (From Snyder)

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