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Hi, James, In that particular thread, I was simply demonstrating that Mueller was fulfilling his mandate.

But—now that you mention it—the facts given in the documents (along with Trump’s public actions) do constitute crimes. Let’s start with a few easy ones.
1/ How about accessory after the fact?
3/ James, you have to click on the links I’m giving you, and read the full thread. Actual crimes are complicated and require legal analysis. (You have to match up facts to elements of the crime)
Here’s retaliating against an informant
4/ If you want a list of possible crimes for which evidence is floating out there in the form of top-notch reporting, they’re here. (I didn’t spent the many hours required to march through the legal analysis on each one.)

5/ Yes, I have written about conspiracy against the US and Bribery, but not since last May, and we’ve seen lots more evidence emerge. I should definitely do a new one.
6/ Here’s my conspiracy 371 and bribery thread.
7/ Remember: Because of prosecutorial discretion, we don’t know what (if anything) Mueller will charge. Prosecutorial discretion is a pillar of democracies. In autocracies, the autocrat decides what to charge. In our system, the prosecutor decides.
8/ This can be frustrating. (I did defense work. I know.) Some people will think he overcharged. Others will think he undercharged. All we can do is wait for indictments, accept his decisions, and see what happens at any trials.