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Putin undermines democratic institutions by persuading people that they don’t work, they are inherently unfair, and that the entire “system” is corrupt. He also does this by cleverly turning liberal thinking against itself.
Liberals believe we can bend the arc of history toward greater justice. To do this, we identify the inherent injustices so that we can make things better. Identifying the inherent injustices makes us critical of the system. This is good! It means we work to make it better!
Putin turns this against us by making the following argument: Democracy doesn’t work. Look at [example, example]. Therefore our system is better. People who believe the entire “system” is corrupt will cheer a strongman who promises to dismantle the system.
Interesting aside: Fascists see democracy as inherently corrupt because it requires compromise with minority groups twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… I propose this rule: Any politician or leader who says, or implies, that the entire American system is corrupt is doing Putin’s work.
Some do this deliberately, as in “drain the swamp.” Some do Putin’s work without realize they’re doing it. How to apply the rule: Ask yourself: would Putin approve. If yes, it’s bad for liberal democracy. Let’s try a few:
“The law can never be equitably enforced” (Bad. The problem is the word “never.” Putin would approve. ) “I’m not a career politician, so I can do a better job. (Bad. Denigrating career politicians denigrates the entire system, and is exactly what Trump did.)
In the 2016 election, I sat next to a young man on a plane. He assured me that “the entire system is corrupt.” I talked about our independent judiciary, free press, etc. He talked about income inequality. (Yes! that is a problem we must strive to fix!)
It took me two hours to persuade him that flaws in the system are to be expected, that despite flaws in the Constitution the system is a good one, and that the phrase “the entire system is corrupt” is dangerous.
Snyder gives 20 rules for fighting authoritarianism. Rule 19 is “Be a patriot.” To save liberal democracy, we have to start by loving it—with all of its flaws. And that includes men and women who dedicate their lives to public service. Added bonus: Patriots win elections.