Flynn’s sentencing memo and addendum

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The memo and addendum are here: What we know: Flynn was cooperating with at least two investigations—at least one of which was a criminal investigation—outside the Special Counsel’s office.

This means the Mueller probe is fairly safe. Why? Because the evidence is spread around to various offices. The redacted portions of the addendum can be made public at any time, hence informing the public about key details. Also it’s clear to me Mueller has the whole story.

What other criminal investigation did Flynn assist with? We can only guess. We also know that Flynn started cooperating early, and he provided substantial assistance to Mueller, and his timely cooperation persuaded “related first hand witnesses” to co-operate.

This means that people inside TrumpWorld who were eyewitnesses to whatever was happening (that shouldn’t have been) got scared and ran to tell Mueller everything. Unless they’re called to testify, we won’t know who they are.

We know Flynn “provided firsthand information about the content and context of interactions” between Trump’s presidential transition team members “and Russian government officials.” That means there WERE such interactions—probably more than we know about.

I puzzled over this passage What the heck does it mean? Did the senior members of the transition team know they were repeating lies? IOW, were the lies being coordinated? Or was Flynn duping them?

We learn more about Flynn’s work for Turkey (which he failed to disclose as part of FARA requirements): He and his company earned $530K for three months work. He was working for Turkey (and not publicly disclosing that) while he worked for the Trump campaign.

This is bad. He was paid by Turkey to spread propaganda in the US. People would think he was speaking as a US citizen or Trump advisor when in fact he was in Turkey’s pay. (Recall that Trump specifically wanted Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn. …)

The document mentions “efforts to effectuate the removal of a person legally residing in the U.S.” (This would be Gulen) This is also bad. Despite all this bad stuff (including lying to the government) Flynn’s assistance was so substantial that Mueller recommends a very light sentence with possibly no jail time. What we don’t know: A lot. Parts of the memo look like this:

 I suspect that the Trump Org as a criminal enterprise has been handed off to NY state or the SDNY office. I also suspect Mueller is going after a few “iron triangles.” What do I mean? Start reading here:


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