Consider the more likely possibility: Trump is lying

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Trump tweeted that “the inner workings of the Mueller investigation is a total mess. . . they found no collusion,” etc.

People are assuming that Whitaker, or someone else, is feeding information to Trump. This assumes that Trump has a basis for what he’s saying and isn’t inventing out of thin air. (Mueller folks screaming? C’mon, seriously?) More likely Tump is making stuff up.

 Recall that recent reporting has been all about how Trump is melting down. …

Now recall one of Trump’s favorite methods of responding to criticism: The “you’re the puppet” technique. I did a thread on why this isn’t technically projection, it’s actually a typical technique used by fascist leaders who want to sow confusion and undermine rational discourse. Here’s the thread I did …

As I’ve said: I’m no fan of Whitaker. But right now he’s being very closely watched.

The idea that at this stage, he would read files and transmit information seems to me far less likely than the alternative: Trump is making things up. Occam’s Razor basically says that between two competing theories, pick the one with fewest steps.

This is particularly true when what Trump is saying is inherently preposterous. Mueller team prosecutors “screaming” and going “nuts” down because they haven’t found “collusion” is, um, unlikely. Note to philosophers: Yeah I know, I (ironically) oversimplified Occam’s Razor.

I also assume that Rosenstein and Mueller, who know the ropes better than Whitaker, are protecting the probe in ways we can’t even guess. I think they’ve got this.

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