GOP History and Politics

The Republican Corruption Machine

Lady in Blue has a few legal questions: I’ll answer them. For me, though, the real questions are why Trump is trying to cause so much trouble and what he hopes to accomplish.  First: Can Trump override the governors? A: No. If the citizens of a state think that their governor is infringing their first …

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The Republican Death Cult (Part II)

Part I is here. Recall: Where we left off: The hierarchical leaders who want the freedom to lie and steal and cheat have a problem: Persuading their victims to vote for them. One way the GOP gets votes is by nurturing and stoking racial grievances. They get certain people to vote against their economic interests …

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History of the GOP, Part III

[View here as a Twitter thread] How the GOP evolved from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of the KKK. This is the final part: How the GOP went from a Conservative Party to an Authoritarian Party (1994-2016) Part I begins here:

History of the GOP, Part II

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Thread) How the Republican Party morphed from the pro-slavery strong-federal-government party of Lincoln to the party of the KKK and Koch Brothers. Part II: 1920-1950. Part I is here:

History of the GOP, Part I

(thread) To try to understand how we got to this point, I’ve been reading up on the history of the Republican Party. Q: How did Abraham Lincoln’s anti-slavery, strong federal government party morph into the party of the Koch brothers & the KKK? Here’s Part 1: 1854-1920. [View here as a Twitter thread]

More Republican Lawbreaking

[View here as a Twitter thread]   It’s all here in this article. The whole problem. Lawbreaking is becoming a Republican badge of honor. Not everyone has access, so here are the key points: 1/ Former NY Congressman Michael Grimm is a felon who hired undocumented workers, hid 900K from tax authorities, and made false …

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More Republican Lawbreaking

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) This NYT piece offers a history of how the Republican Party changed from a conservative party to an authoritarian party. This is what I’ve been writing/ thinking about. Not everyone has access, so here’s a summary. 2/ 1994: Newt Gingrich ushered in a new era pitting the …

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