Conservative v. Liberals

Liberals v. Conservatives

[View here as a Twitter thread]   thread) How to bridge the great divide? Maybe by understanding? I found this study interesting. “Liberals and Conservatives have different brain types.” Here’s a quick summary of this study from Current Biology:… 2/ Reminder: the Repub. Party is no longer conservative; it’s authoritarian. Which is what Jeff Flake …

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From Current Biology: For Conservatives “the world is a frightening place.”

Current Biology is a peer-reviewed journal “widely valued among life scientist for its unique blend of important research papers and informed, lively commentary.” According to this Current Biology article, research via MRI scans revealed that self-described conservative students have a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that …

From Current Biology: For Conservatives “the world is a frightening place.” Read More »

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