
Cohen’s surprise client: Sean Hannity

[View here as a Twitter thread] (thread) Ahead of Michael Cohen’s Monday court appearance I read the court docs. I was about to predict that Cohen will lose—the only question is whether he’ll get in trouble with the court—when an interesting development occurred. Trump intervened in the case. 1/The issue to be discussed at the …

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How did we get to this point?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) There are rumors that Trump has reached a “turning point” and (with Nunes and others) is looking to shut down Mueller’s investigation–which will create our second greatest constitutional crisis (after the Civil War). So how did we get to this point? 1/ I’ll cull a few insights …

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More Republican Lawbreaking

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) This NYT piece offers a history of how the Republican Party changed from a conservative party to an authoritarian party. This is what I’ve been writing/ thinking about. Not everyone has access, so here’s a summary. 2/ 1994: Newt Gingrich ushered in a new era pitting the …

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Summer Zervos Lawsuit

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) A primer the Summer Zervos lawsuit against Trump. Facts: In Oct. 2016, after Trump said he never groped women, Zervos said that he groped and sexually harassed her when she was on the Apprentice. Trump called her a liar. 1/ Zervos responded by suing in state court, …

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nytimes.com/2018/03/17/bus… Mueller subpoenaed Trump Org records. So what is the Trump-Russia connection? NYT provided a list. For 30 years Trump repeatedly sought to conduct business in Russia, including several in person visits. He took Miss Universe to Moscow and “met the top people” There was a Moscow Trump hotel in the works during the campaign. Trump …

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Liberals v. Conservatives

[View here as a Twitter thread]   thread) How to bridge the great divide? Maybe by understanding? I found this study interesting. “Liberals and Conservatives have different brain types.” Here’s a quick summary of this study from Current Biology: cell.com/current-biolog… 2/ Reminder: the Repub. Party is no longer conservative; it’s authoritarian. Which is what Jeff Flake …

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Steve Bannon wrecks the establishment

Sensational headline but the article doesn’t quite call it like it is. nytimes.com/2018/03/09/wor…  Europe is experiencing a rise in nationalism like it saw in the 1930s & Bannon is there fanning the flames and taking his Breitbart message worldwide. It’s helpful to remember that Bannon calls himself alt-right, meaning right-wing authoritarian nationalism based on white supremacy. Aside: …

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From Current Biology: For Conservatives “the world is a frightening place.”

Current Biology is a peer-reviewed journal “widely valued among life scientist for its unique blend of important research papers and informed, lively commentary.” According to this Current Biology article, research via MRI scans revealed that self-described conservative students have a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that …

From Current Biology: For Conservatives “the world is a frightening place.” Read More »

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