
What Can We Do? Part I

After my post called “Democracy v. Oligarchy in a Pandemic,” Jane Q. Public asked: I need to answer this question in parts. This is Part I. The problem is: A political earthquake The solution: Mail-in voting (To implement the solution: We’re already more than halfway there.) Stick with me here. I have some strings to …

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Two Views of History and Two Questions

Apologies. I’ve had a few writing deadlines so I haven’t been putting my Twitter threads on this blog. I’ll catch up with a 3-fer. I. Two Views of History We also understand American history differently. Once upon a time I understood American constitutional history as an ever-expanding sense of who is included in “We the …

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Get Your Raincoats Ready

In Nov, Fiona Hill testified that Russia was gearing up to attack the 2020 election. Last spring Robert Mueller testified that the Russians were interfering “as we sit here.” Today we learned that Russia is backing Trump’s re-election—and Trump was furious lawmakers were briefed about it. Just yesterday, Asha Rangappa, Alex Finley, and John Sipher …

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Why the GOP Hates Social Security

Mar a Tacky asked: Indeed, cutting social security in an election year is counter-intuitive. The wealthy GOP oligarchs (and would-be oligarchs) hate social security because it helps get rid of income inequality and oligarchy requires income inequality. That’s why oligarchs create policies that harm their supporters. For more on that, see this post. For why …

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It’s Just a Matter of Time

There is confusion about this so called “ideological role reversal:” Ideological role reversal continues in Congress as conservative GOP lawmakers savaged FBI Director Chris Wray for being inadequately outraged about #FISA abuses, while Democrats extolled the FBI’s virtues  & called for granting it even more powers  The “conservative” party was the “law and order” party …

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History of the GOP, Part III

[View here as a Twitter thread] How the GOP evolved from the Party of Lincoln to the Party of the KKK. This is the final part: How the GOP went from a Conservative Party to an Authoritarian Party (1994-2016) Part I begins here:

History of the GOP, Part II

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Thread) How the Republican Party morphed from the pro-slavery strong-federal-government party of Lincoln to the party of the KKK and Koch Brothers. Part II: 1920-1950. Part I is here:

History of the GOP, Part I

(thread) To try to understand how we got to this point, I’ve been reading up on the history of the Republican Party. Q: How did Abraham Lincoln’s anti-slavery, strong federal government party morph into the party of the Koch brothers & the KKK? Here’s Part 1: 1854-1920. [View here as a Twitter thread]

More Republican Lawbreaking

[View here as a Twitter thread]   It’s all here in this article. The whole problem. Lawbreaking is becoming a Republican badge of honor. Not everyone has access, so here are the key points: 1/ Former NY Congressman Michael Grimm is a felon who hired undocumented workers, hid 900K from tax authorities, and made false …

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Cohen’s case gets a special master

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Michael D. Cohen v. United States of America (the SDNY case resulting in last week’s FBI search of Michael Cohen’s home & Office. The issue at tomorrow’s hearing is how the material seized from Michael Cohen’s home and office will be reviewed to determine #MichaelCohen 1/…which docs, if …

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