Fascism and Authoritarianism

Sadopopulism and Fanaticism

Yesterday 37,077 new Covid-19 cases were reported. Also yesterday, Trump administration filed this Supreme Court brieft to end the Affordable Care and take away health care from millions of Americans. Timothy Snyder calls it Sadopopulism, and explains why modern fascists deliberately hurt their own constituents. Twentieth century fascists wanted power, but they were content not …

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The Limits of Sadopopulism

Trump has no interest in controlling the pandemic. He wants to control the narrative. To answer this question, I will weave together: The purpose of government The limits of Sadopopulism, and Trump’s lifelong formula: what matters is the appearance of success. Let’s look at two opposing theories about the purpose of government: Democratic and Hierarchical.  …

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Two Views of History and Two Questions

Apologies. I’ve had a few writing deadlines so I haven’t been putting my Twitter threads on this blog. I’ll catch up with a 3-fer. I. Two Views of History We also understand American history differently. Once upon a time I understood American constitutional history as an ever-expanding sense of who is included in “We the …

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How did we get to this point?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) There are rumors that Trump has reached a “turning point” and (with Nunes and others) is looking to shut down Mueller’s investigation–which will create our second greatest constitutional crisis (after the Civil War). So how did we get to this point? 1/ I’ll cull a few insights …

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