
The Trump Act

Trump has no interest in actually governing. He never had any interest in governing. He just wants an audience so he can play a “winner” on TV. He thought, like any starring role, playing a World Leader would be a great way to get rich. Trump told his staff that he wants to be on …

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Trump’s Taxes

Go figure. The New York Times was the first to get Trump’s taxes. Here is an excellent (and very readable) analysis from Just Security on the legal implications of the NYT bombshell article on Trump’s tax returns. The author is a professor of tax law at NYU School of Law. There’s a core of Trump’s …

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Trump’s Financials

The Vance opinion (the case about whether the NY prosecutor can have access to grand jury material for use in a criminal investigation against the Trumps) is here. The case was a loss for Trump. The justices voted 7-2 with only Thomas and Alito dissenting. Think about that: Ginsburg, Sotomayer, Roberts, Gorusch, Kagan, Breyer and …

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Igniting a Cultural War

Q: If you’re a would-be fascist and you’re losing, what do you do? A: Two of the tricks in Trump’s (limited) bag are: “Get the fighters fighting” and “ignite a cultural war.” Here’s how you accomplish both with one Tweet: (Destruction of federal government property is already illegal: 18 USC § 1361) On the face …

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Cohen’s case gets a special master

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Michael D. Cohen v. United States of America (the SDNY case resulting in last week’s FBI search of Michael Cohen’s home & Office. The issue at tomorrow’s hearing is how the material seized from Michael Cohen’s home and office will be reviewed to determine #MichaelCohen 1/…which docs, if …

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Cohen’s surprise client: Sean Hannity

[View here as a Twitter thread] (thread) Ahead of Michael Cohen’s Monday court appearance I read the court docs. I was about to predict that Cohen will lose—the only question is whether he’ll get in trouble with the court—when an interesting development occurred. Trump intervened in the case. 1/The issue to be discussed at the …

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Summer Zervos Lawsuit

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) A primer the Summer Zervos lawsuit against Trump. Facts: In Oct. 2016, after Trump said he never groped women, Zervos said that he groped and sexually harassed her when she was on the Apprentice. Trump called her a liar. 1/ Zervos responded by suing in state court, …

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TrumpRussia… Mueller subpoenaed Trump Org records. So what is the Trump-Russia connection? NYT provided a list. For 30 years Trump repeatedly sought to conduct business in Russia, including several in person visits. He took Miss Universe to Moscow and “met the top people” There was a Moscow Trump hotel in the works during the campaign. Trump …

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