2020 Election

The Republican Election Strategy: Get Rid of the Ballots

Remember when Trump said that if we “get rid of ballots” there won’t be a transition of power? Looks like a few Republicans took that to heart. They’re not stopping with absentee ballots. They’re going after any ballots in Democratic-leaning areas. A group of Republicans filed a petition earlier this week to halt “drive-through” voting …

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Chaos in Georgia

I spent 15 hours on Tuesday in the Fulton County (Atlanta) Voter Protection “boiler room,” which is basically a group of lawyers handling problems coming from polling places. The Associated Press called it “chaos in Georgia.” It was beyond insane. Some people were in line for 8 hours. Here’s the short version from the viewpoint …

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When Your Brand is Built On Winning, What Happens When You Lose?

David Frum appeared on MSNBC and said, Trump “is weak, he is heading for a historic political defeat–one that will likely take the Republican Senate down with him. He is terrified all the time. His bravado is a carapace around his fear.“ Trump’s brand is built around winning. In his world—where cheating and breaking rules …

When Your Brand is Built On Winning, What Happens When You Lose? Read More »

It’s Just a Matter of Time

There is confusion about this so called “ideological role reversal:” Ideological role reversal continues in Congress as conservative GOP lawmakers savaged FBI Director Chris Wray for being inadequately outraged about #FISA abuses, while Democrats extolled the FBI’s virtues  & called for granting it even more powers  The “conservative” party was the “law and order” party …

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