
The Filibuster

Several people have asked me how I feel about the filibuster. That will make this a short blog post because it’s an easy answer. I dislike it. Who does like it? Those who want to obstruct and make federal government fail so government functions can be privatized. Who doesn’t like it? Those who want to …

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What to Expect on Wednesday

The Constitution, in this instance, is clear. What happens on Wednesday is given in the Twelfth Amendment (usually inserted into Article II, Section 2): First: The President of the Senate (Vice President Pence) shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates. Then the votes shall be counted. In …

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The Republican Election Strategy: Get Rid of the Ballots

Remember when Trump said that if we “get rid of ballots” there won’t be a transition of power? Looks like a few Republicans took that to heart. They’re not stopping with absentee ballots. They’re going after any ballots in Democratic-leaning areas. A group of Republicans filed a petition earlier this week to halt “drive-through” voting …

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The Trump Act

Trump has no interest in actually governing. He never had any interest in governing. He just wants an audience so he can play a “winner” on TV. He thought, like any starring role, playing a World Leader would be a great way to get rich. Trump told his staff that he wants to be on …

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Trump’s Taxes

Go figure. The New York Times was the first to get Trump’s taxes. Here is an excellent (and very readable) analysis from Just Security on the legal implications of the NYT bombshell article on Trump’s tax returns. The author is a professor of tax law at NYU School of Law. There’s a core of Trump’s …

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More Hierarchy v. Fairness

The right-wing—which until recently loved the 10th Amendment and revered states’ rights—is now fine with sending federal troops to trample states’ rights. Meanwhile, Trump canceled his convention because of COVID while insisting that schools open. From Andy Slavitt’s thread yesterday: the people dying from COVID-19 are largely “essential workers” and those without the privilege of …

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Trump’s Financials

The Vance opinion (the case about whether the NY prosecutor can have access to grand jury material for use in a criminal investigation against the Trumps) is here. The case was a loss for Trump. The justices voted 7-2 with only Thomas and Alito dissenting. Think about that: Ginsburg, Sotomayer, Roberts, Gorusch, Kagan, Breyer and …

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The Push to Open Schools

A follower asked: Trump wants to pretend like everything is normal. His solution to the virus is to pretend like there’s no problem. He has the idea that if the economy is strong, he’ll get reelected. Closing schools means parents have to work at home, which slows down everything. It also means acknowledging that there …

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