
New York’s Double Jeopardy Law

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Roundup) Double Jeopardy: What is it, and why is New York Attorney General @AGSchneiderman trying to amend New York’s double jeopardy law? Spoiler: To prevent Trump from pardoning himself, his family, his friends, and his associates. 1/ Remember that the presidential pardon power applies only to federal crimes, not state …

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NonDisclosure Agreements (again)

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Ok, so what’s the big deal about the Nondisclosure Agreements (NDAs) Michael Cohen had these women sign? Why are prosecutors so interested? Here’s a guess. One way to prove guilt is to show a pattern or practice.

NonDisclosures Again

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) After I wrote a thread on Nondisclosure Agreements, and why Trump’s White House NDAs weren’t enforceable, we learn Trump’s lawyer (who wrote them) knew they weren’t enforceable. For people without access to the NYT, here’s a quick summary. 3 . . . them as deterrence. Trump was also …

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Can a sitting president be indicted?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Roundup: Can a sitting president be indicted? Short answer: Maybe. Legal answer: It’s complicated. During Watergate and the Bill Clinton hearings, the DOJ held that a POTUS can’t be indicted. . . #Mueller 2/ . . . but the DOJ is not the final authority. SCOTUS is, & …

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Trump’s NDA’s

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Nondisclosure agreements (NDA) are in the news: Cohen (Trump’s lawyer) had Stormy Daniel sign one, and now it’s reported that Trump had WH staff sign them. Okay, so what are they? Here’s a quick NDA primer and a list of problems with Trump’s White House NDAs 1/ …

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