Constitutional Law

New York’s Double Jeopardy Law

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Roundup) Double Jeopardy: What is it, and why is New York Attorney General @AGSchneiderman trying to amend New York’s double jeopardy law? Spoiler: To prevent Trump from pardoning himself, his family, his friends, and his associates. 1/ Remember that the presidential pardon power applies only to federal crimes, not state …

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Can a sitting president be indicted?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) Roundup: Can a sitting president be indicted? Short answer: Maybe. Legal answer: It’s complicated. During Watergate and the Bill Clinton hearings, the DOJ held that a POTUS can’t be indicted. . . #Mueller 2/ . . . but the DOJ is not the final authority. SCOTUS is, & …

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