
Presidential Pardons (again)

  Presidential Pardons are in the news again. Trump pardoned Sheriff Arpaio, convicted of illegally and cruelly targeting undocumented immigrants. He pardoned Scooter Libby, aid to Veep Cheney, convicted of obstruction, perjury & (ironically) leaking classified info.   [To read, please click here to view here as a Twitter thread]

Why I have hope

[View here as a Twitter thread] Trump may have jolted the liberals and moderates out of complacency. Background: For 50 years, authoritarians have been consolidating power, steadily undermining public confidence in our government and our institutions. While the GOP morphed from a conservative party to an authoritarian one, Democrats (& moderate conservatives) didn’t understand or …

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The Deep State Theory

[View here as a Twitter thread] Trump hit on a way to beat Mueller: A Criminal Deep State theory. Spoiler: Trumpsters fall for it by believing it. Everyone else falls for it by spending their time discussing it. Source for quotations in this thread: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/05/inside-trumpworld-a-bizarre-counter-narrative-takes-hold The theory: John Brennan, former FBI director, masterminded a plot to …

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Putin’s playbook

  (thread) Putin’s playbook and Trump. Since at least 2010, Trump has been getting ideas from Putin. Example: In 2010, Russian TV “toyed” with the idea that Obama was born in Africa. Soon after, Trump picked up the theme. (See attached snippet from Snyder’s book). [View here as a Twitter thread]

Flood the Zone

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (thread) What the heck is Giuliani doing, making one absurd statement after another? Let’s get to the bottom of this. Spoiler: The idea is to “flood the zone” with nonsense to wear everyone out and create a world in which facts don’t matter, which is how Trump will …

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Conspiracy and bribery, continued.

What crimes might Cohen have committed when raking in more than $4.4 million through his shell company Essential Consultants? This is Part II This thread picks up where the Bribery and Conspiracy thread left off:   [To read, please click here to view here as a Twitter thread]

Bribery and Conspiracy: To crimes to watch moving forward

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) Bribery and Conspiracy against the U.S: two crimes to keep an eye on as things unfold from here. First, a few new facts: Russian oligarch Vekselberg paid $500K to the company & bank account Michael Cohen created when he paid Stormy Daniels hush money.

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