
Now that President Trump has issued an executive order that may perhaps end his administration’s policy of family separation, there are still many outstanding questions: What happens to new families entering the United States? Will there be a Separation 2.0, just like there was a Travel Ban 2.0? And most distressingly, what happens to the children who have …

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The “separate the children” policy is unconstitutional under two leading cases.

There are a lot of people writing about how separating children from parents is “not the law.” In fact, what’s happening is unconstitutional under two leading Supreme Court cases. Here you go everyone: Twitter Law 101 The U.S. Supreme Court has held that parents have a Constitutional right to the care and custody of their …

The “separate the children” policy is unconstitutional under two leading cases. Read More »

(thread) Children in cages: Trump’s showdown with Liberal Democracy. With Trump doubling down on his “remove children at the border” strategy, this may be a fight to the death: If Trump wins, democracy loses. OTOH, if Trump gets his wings clipped now, he could be finished. [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter thread]

Trump’s America is not a momentary madness. Here’s a summary of one of the essays in this volume  “Authoritarianism is Not a Momentary Madness, but an Eternal Dynamic within Liberal Democracies,” by Stenner (Princeton) & Haidt (NYU). My comments at the end. [This was redone and updated] [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter …

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NY AG lawsuit against the Trump Foundation

[Filed under crimes, although these are actually non-criminal violations] The NY Attorney General filed a lawsuit accusing the Trump Foundation (Trump, Donald Jr., Ivanka, and Eric) of “persistently illegal conduct” and “repeated and willful self-dealing transactions.” The petition is here: https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/court_stamped_petition.pdf … [To continue reading, view here as a Twitter thread]

Paxton: The Cult of Leadership

FDR defined fascism as “ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.” To get a better sense of what fascism is, I read Paxton’s book. Here are my takeaways. Fascism isn’t an ideology, it’s a phenomena, a mass uprising led by a mesmerizing leader who evokes the nation’s mythical …

Paxton: The Cult of Leadership Read More »

The Lawyers in TrumpWorld

Stormy Daniels new lawsuit & why it matters. Stormy accuses her former lawyer, Davidson, of breaching his fiduciary duties. She accuses Michael Cohen of aiding and abetting the breach. She says Trump knew, and the breach was to benefit Trump. [To continue reading, please view here as a Twitter thread]

Don’t fall for the ploy!

  Can the President shoot someone and pardon himself (or whatever the latest absurd claim happens to be)? No, of course not. Don’t fall for the ploy. It’s the “Manipulate and control the media by riling the liberals and flooding the zone with shit” ploy. [View here as a Twitter thread]

C’mon! Don’t believe it.

Trump Team’s “confidential” memo that was “leaked” looks like a publicity stunt, not a serious legal memo. Here’s why. The memo contains bogus legal arguments that Trump surrogates have already made repeatedly on Cable TV. [View here as a Twitter thread]  

Don’t expect a charge of treason

[View here as a Twitter thread]   A few people have asked me why treason (as defined by the Constitution) isn’t on my list of possible crimes. It isn’t there because there’s realistically no chance that Trump or his pals will be charged with treason. Here’s why.

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