
Lots of GOP-Russia Love

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Roundup) Jeanine Pirro on Fox asks “Who’s a greater threat—Putin or Mueller. newsweek.com/jeanine-pirro-… Surprised? Don’t be. Remember that this fight is about a Cult of Leadership v. Rule of Law. 2/ That was conclusion of this thread  in which I argued that Trump and his legal team are not preparing …

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Did Roger Stone conspire to commit computer fraud?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Did Roger Stone conspire to commit computer fraud? The Computer Fraud Act makes it illegal to transmit stolen materials with the intention of causing damage. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18… 1/ The latest Mueller indictment alleged that Russian military officials hacked into the DNC (and others) and then transmitted the stolen material with the …

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Libertarians & Klansmen & Trump (oh my)

[View here as a Twitter thread]   McLean’s thesis in Democracy in Chains: libertarianism is based in racism and libertarians have a “stealth” plan for subverting American democracy. Her book has aroused fury in libertarians. Let’s look at the facts.. 1/ The “architect” of libertarianism is a Nobel-Prize winning economist James M. Buchanan. Libertarianism is …

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What’s up with Devin Nunes?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   Spoiler: Maybe he’s succeeding. Someone attended a Nunes fundraiser, recorded him & gave the recordings to Maddow. msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-… Nunes: “If Sessions won’t unrecuse himself and Mueller won’t clear the president . . .” 1/We’re the only ones. . . We have to keep the majority . . . or all …

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America’s Authoritarian Moment

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Thread) America’s authoritarian moment Yesterday, I wrote a thread suggesting that Trump and his legal team are not devising a traditional legal strategy—their plan for beating the Mueller probe is to attack the Rule of Law itself. The thread is here: 2/ I suggested that Trump has a …

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Trump’s “Legal” Defense

[View here as a Twitter thread]   Spoiler: He doesn’t have one. He intends to beat the Mueller probe by torpedoing Rule of Law. It’s fairly clear to most people paying attention that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to fix the election, and that Mueller is closing in. 2/ It’s also clear that Trump …

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What the heck is Sen. Paul Rand doing in Moscow?

[View here as a Twitter thread]   What the heck is Sen. Paul Rand doing in Moscow? (Other than opening “lines of communication” and inviting Russian lawmakers to the US) abcnews.go.com/International/… Answer: Fox-GOP is moving toward openly embracing its Kremlin ties. 2/ . . . and that includes acknowledgment that Trump & pals coordinated with Russia during …

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When the penny hits the ground

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (1) This is a great thread Thanks to @Talon269 and @julievzwilson for sharing it with me.https://twitter.com/djrothkopf/status/992382428231749633 … It raises the question that has been on my mind: How will the Fox-GOP respond when the penny hits the ground? And it appears that the actual penny will soon land. (2) Today Twitter is abuzz …

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Stop underestimating Trump

[View here as a Twitter thread]   This is for the people who read this: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield…and say: “I don’t believe Trump is that smart!” Consider the similarity between the lie Trump told Congress about how domestic terrorists , and Putin’s lie about the “homo dictatorship.” 1/ Recall that when Ukranians protested against Yanukovych, the lie told …

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Maybe Trump knows what he’s doing

[View here as a Twitter thread]   People still underestimate Trump. They say things like: Trump knows he’s caught! So now he’s going to do something desperate like start a war! Or: There he goes again! Telling more outrageous lies! Or: He can’t control his impulses! He’s self-destructing! 1/ Let’s consider another possibility: He knows …

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