
So what crimes did Trump commit?

[View here as a Twitter thread] MAGA people are still asking: What crimes did Trump commit? The problem isn’t just “separate media bubbles.” The problem is that part of the population the victim of highly effective right wing propaganda. This thread is to help with argument settling. 1/ This list is for Trump and Trump …

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Did Trump commit cyber crimes?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Did Trump Aid and Abet Cyber Crimes? We’ve already done this one: Was Trump an Accessory After the Fact? Now let’s try aiding and abetting, a theory of liability that basically says you knew about a crime before it happened, and you helped out. 1/ Aiding and abetting is …

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When lies are “truth”

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) When lies are the “truth” Dershowitz says, “every” candidate breaks laws. Trump and Giuliani lie constantly. Etc. Trump supporters knows they’re lies, yet they cheer. Professors Hahl, Kim & @ewzucker have an explanation that goes beyond Orwell. 1/ The study osf.io/preprints/soca… starts with 2 definitions: A “crisis of legitimacy” is when a group doesn’t …

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How to save liberal democracy

[View here as a Twitter thread]  By Liberal Democracy I mean representative government in which leaders are constrained by rule of law, and citizens have maximum liberty. Saving Liberal Democracy requires recapturing the hearts and minds of those whose minds have been poisoned by anti-democratic propaganda. Aside: We can’t persuade them all. Remember  twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… What we can …

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Did Trump violate 18 U.S. § 1513(e) – Retaliating against an informant?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Did Trump violate 18 U.S. § 1513(e) – Retaliating against an informant? It’s worth noting that Trump probably violated 18 U.S. § 1513(e) when he revoked Brennan’s security clearance. law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18… This is part of Trump’s pattern of disregarding norms and laws. 1/ We start with the elements, and apply the facts. …

Did Trump violate 18 U.S. § 1513(e) – Retaliating against an informant? Read More »

What do we learn from the George Papadopoulos sentencing Memo?

[View here as a Twitter thread]  Spoiler: We learn that Trump & pals are accessories after the fact. Let’s back up and look at a key fact. The memo is here: assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4776… 1/ According to the plea agreement filed 10-5-2017, Papadopoulos told the campaign in April 2016 that the Russians had dirt in the form of …

What do we learn from the George Papadopoulos sentencing Memo? Read More »

Donald Trump and Fascism

[View here as a Twitter thread] Yale professor Jason Stanley (and others) have defined the characteristics of a fascist leader. Yeah, Trump meets them all. Sources for Stanley’s ideas: (other link on Twitter thread) youtube.com/watch?v=CQMOvz… 1/ Stanley: Fascism is an ultranationalist, patriarchal, authoritarian movement based on an “us v. them” ideology, exploiting fears of the …

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Trump and his lawyers

[View here as a Twitter thread] 1/ If you missed my thread on Trump’s “legal” defense, it’s here: twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… In March, Bob Bauer, writing for Lawfare, observed that Trump doesn’t want legal advice from his lawyers. Trump’s view is that the job of his lawyers is to find a way around the law. . . …

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Why Manafort’s Financial Crimes Matter

(Thread) Why Manafort’s financial crimes matter. Spoilers: His financial crimes are part of the march of America’s radical right’s toward a Russian-type oligarchy in the US. His crimes matter because other would-be American oligarchs are doing the same. [View here as a Twitter thread]

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