
How can Trump be incompetent if he’s brought us to the brink of a regime change?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Two theories are floating around: (1) Trump is so immature and mentally incompetent that he can’t fulfill the office of the president; and (2) We’re tilting toward a regime change. Question: Can both be true? 1/ Let’s consider where the US is right now. An opinion piece in today’s …

How can Trump be incompetent if he’s brought us to the brink of a regime change? Read More »

The Slow-Motion Constitutional Crisis

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) The Slow-Motion Constitutional Crisis The current crisis is not (entirely) because of Trump. It’s (mostly) because of Congress. The drafters of the Constitution considered the possibility that a president might be elected who was beholden to foreign interests. 1/ That’s why the drafters included a remedy in the …

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“Collusion” doesn’t begin to describe it

[View here as a Twitter thread] Ideas from Yale Prof. Snyder’s book & 5-12 lecture available here: youtube.com/watch?v=ZJe4Nl… Spoiler: Collusion doesn’t describe how “the Russians elevated Trump to the office of the presidency.” (Snyder’s words) 1/ Trump’s repeated use of the word “collusion” is a deliberate ploy to draw us away from what actually happened and create …

“Collusion” doesn’t begin to describe it Read More »

Authoritarians v. Conservatives

[View here as a Twitter thread] The Trump-GOP is no longer a conservative party. It’s an authoritarian party. Sort of what Flake tried to describe here:  Here’s what that means for the midterms & generally. 1/ In a nutshell, what happened to the GOP was this: After the 1960s, many of the GOP leadership, to …

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Is Donald Trump a fascist?

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) Is Donald Trump a fascist? Yes, of course. Asking the question—and having a national conversation about the answer—could save the nation from fascism. Here’s what I mean. #TrumpIsAFascist 1/ Trump expertly controls the media. He has turned the presidency into Reality TV by creating an endless cycle of crises …

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What terrible things will Trump do?

[View here as a Twitter thread] A friend said she’s worried about what terrible things Trump will do, now that he’s backed into a corner and desperate to hold on to power. It seems to me we know what he’s going to do—because he’s already doing it. 1/ If you’re worried about a bloody revolution, …

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Putin & America’s far right wing

[View here as a Twitter thread]  Information in this thread comes from Yale Professor Timothy Snyder’s Road to Unfreedom. Putin consolidated power by torpedoing rule of law, which he did by undermining the existence of facts. Nothing is true, he said. Everyone lies. 1/His strategy: tell outrageous lies and turn news into entertainment, while convincing …

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Did Trump Aid and Abet a Campaign Finance Law violation?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Cohen pleaded guilty to 52 USC 30116(a)(1)(A) and (a)(7), making excessive and unreported in-kind campaign violations through his payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. 1/ Under penalty of perjury, Cohen said he made the payments for the purpose of influencing the election and “at the direction” of Trump. nymag.com/daily/intellig… Cohen …

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