
Recap: Back to the 1920s

[View here as a Twitter thread] Let’s keep our current situation in perspective. Two things are happening. First, we’re in the midsts of a slow-motion constitutional crisis prompted by Congress failing to act as a check on presidential power. 1/ As a result, we have a president with authoritarian impulses whose instincts are not being …

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Can a sitting president be indicted?

[View here as a Twitter thread] (Thread) Can a sitting president be indicted? Spoiler: Most likely yes—even with Kavanaugh’s vote. But it’s not a game-changing issue. (It’s complicated—so a long thread) Indictment means there’s basis for a criminal charge; Guilt is found at trial.https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/indictment 1/ The reason some of you are worried about whether a …

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Trump and his lies (from Timothy Snyder)

[View here as a Twitter thread] [First 8 tweets are some notes from the Snyder Speaks series/ YouTube] Fascism always begins with clearing the horizon of factuality. The fascist clears away facts & starts with myth—usually the nation’s mythic past and future destiny of greatness. 1/ Trump naturally and gracefully inhabits a world of fiction. …

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Why nobody is paying attention to the NYT Trump tax fraud story.

[View here as a Twitter thread] Tony Schwartz wants to know why nobody is paying attention to the NYT Trump tax fraud story. https://twitter.com/tonyschwartz/status/1047591440681975813 … I can think of a few reasons By now Trump’s critics know he was never a “successful businessman” and that he committed a boatload of crimes. 1/ What’s more important, the GOP …

Why nobody is paying attention to the NYT Trump tax fraud story. Read More »

How we can get through this and save liberal democracy

[View here as a Twitter thread] Trump pummels our emotions. He keeps Democrats on a roller coaster of outrage and anxiety. His followers swing from elation at his latest antics to fear and fury at Democrats. 1/ Like Putin, Trump governs by keeping everyone spinning. (What do I mean? See  twitter.com/Teri_Kanefield… ) Yesterday’s moment was when Trump …

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Trump v. the FBI

Trump has been attacking the FBI since he took office. Why? Trump’s goal—and one of his method for undermining the Mueller probe and putting himself above the law—is to create what Paxton calls a A Cult of Leadership. [View here as a Twitter thread] 1/ From Paxton: The followers believe the Leader’s instincts are superior …

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Kavanaugh and the slide into fascism.

The  white men of the GOP view Kavanaugh (and themselves) as victims. I’ll give some examples, then I’ll explain what this has to do with fascism. “What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life. . .”https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1045470944469426176 … 1/ “[Dr. Ford’s testimony] is a disgraceful smear campaign. . .” Don Jr. “It’s nice to see …

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Will Trump fire Rosenstein

If Trump fires Rosenstein to shut down the probe, it will be a disaster—for Trump. Spoiler: I suspect his advisors have figured that out, and they’re pursuing a smarter strategy. 2/ If Trump tries to shut down the probe & Dems win control of the House after the midterms, Congress simply appoints an independent prosecutor. …

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Gamble v. U.S: Twitter Law 101

[View here as a Twitter thread] Some of you are worried there’s a case going to SCOTUS that may “get rid of double jeopardy” and “allow Trump to pardon state crimes.” It seems the case you’re all worrying about is Gamble v. US. 2/ And the article that seems to have you all worried is …

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The Cultural War

[View here as a Twitter thread] @stucam7771 asks why the GOP insists on Kavanaugh, despite credible allegations of sexual assault. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️I have an explanation for why Trump is digging in. He WANTS this to be a cultural war. 2/ Think back. Past GOP nominees moved right during the primaries to appeal to the “base,” and …

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