
Looking evil in the eye

[View here as a Twitter thread] 12 package/bombs have been sent to former presidents, a secretary of state, leading Democrats, CNN & others. Trump turns the incident into another way to criticize the media. 2/ Trump gives no indication that he’d care if, say, Obama was assassinated. Okay, so, what does Trump do when he …

Looking evil in the eye Read More »

“Trump is cynically using a set of fascist tactics to gain and maintain power.”

[View here as a Twitter thread] Info from Jason Stanley’s book and this lecture. The main skill required is to be able to lie big. Trump lies naturally. He doesn’t hesitate to tell easily disproven lies. He doesn’t hesitate to lie even when he knows that the people he’s talking to know the truth. He …

“Trump is cynically using a set of fascist tactics to gain and maintain power.” Read More »

What the heck is Giuliani doing in Armenia headlining a pro-Putin conference?

[View here as a Twitter thread] The conference is to promote the Eurasian Economic Union—which makes the answer obvious. He’s moving the US closer to Russia—which has been Trump’s aim all along. 1/ Russia created the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) because they couldn’t join the European Union (EU) The EU requires that members uphold the …

What the heck is Giuliani doing in Armenia headlining a pro-Putin conference? Read More »

No Trump can’t overturn the 14th Amendment with an executive order. Sheesh.

[View here as a Twitter thread] As soon as I explained that the “send troops to the border” is a PR stunt, guess what happened? 1/ Following Trump’s highly effective strategy of governing by crisis and spectacle, also known as “keep everyone reeling with cultural wars and lies” he does it again. He claims that …

No Trump can’t overturn the 14th Amendment with an executive order. Sheesh. Read More »

My takeaways from the DOJ Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova document.

[View here as a Twitter thread The DOJ filed this to make us aware of an “ongoing” Kremlin-backed plan to conduct “information warfare” against the US, including attempts to influence the midterms. The complaint is here. 1/ A goal of the Russian operation: To spread distrust toward candidates and the political system in general. Basically, …

My takeaways from the DOJ Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova document. Read More »

[Click here to read on the Slate Magazine site] President Donald Trump has been bending and breaking laws all of his life. Michael Cohen, his longtime personal lawyer, stated under oath that Trump directed him to violate federal campaign finance law; the state of New York has evidence that Trump and his family have been cheating on their taxes …

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Trump Distorts the First Amendment

[View here as a Twitter thread] 1/ The National Park Service proposed a rule limiting protest in D.C. regulations.gov/document?D=NPS… They want to impose fees and limit where protesters can march, including restricting public areas outside the White House. https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/activists-launch-full-court-press-against-new-park-service-rules-that-would-charge-fees-to-demonstrate/2018/10/12/deed78f8-ce36-11e8-a360-85875bac0b1f_story.html?utm_term=.8ecdaf923b41 2/Now, in court papers, Trump also argues that disseminating stolen emails (from the DNC hack) was …

Trump Distorts the First Amendment Read More »

[Click here to read on the Slate Magazine website] The upcoming Supreme Court case Gamble v. United States has fueled speculation that Republicans are pushing for a favorable outcome in order to free Trump to issue pardons of his associates without fear that they will face consequences from state prosecutors. While the case on the question of double jeopardy …

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What’s fascism got to do with it?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Someone on Twitter asked me why low income people are supporting Trump, even though Trump helps the rich, and not them. This makes perfect sense in the context of a fascist leadership cult. 1/ People who value liberal democracy expect the government to make their lives better. Fascism isn’t …

What’s fascism got to do with it? Read More »

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