
Be nice to the never-Trump Republicans. They can save the republic.

[View here as a Twitter thread]    Be nice to the never-Trump Republicans. They can save the republic. nbcnews.com/think/opinion/…First, a few definitions from psychologist Karen Stenner. 3 groups identify as conservatives: Status quo conservatives, laissez-faire conservatives & right wing authoritarians. 1/ Status quo conservatives prefer stability. Right wing authoritarians (RWAs) are averse to complexity (which includes …

Be nice to the never-Trump Republicans. They can save the republic. Read More »

Protect and Promote the Vote

[View here as a Twitter thread]   Here’s what I learned in 2016 and 2018 as a volunteer lawyer monitoring voting. In CA, in the late 1980s through mid 1990s (when California was transitioning from a red state to a blue state) CA experienced a lot of voter suppression. 2/ They established a hotline. They …

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Trump War on Truth

[View here as a Twitter thread]   (Thread) Yesterday, Trump declared two wars: On Truth and Rule of Law. Here’s an overview—and why there is hope. The war on Rule of Law: Firing Sessions with the obvious goal of interfering with the Mueller probe. More here: 1/ Given how often Trump complained that Sessions recused …

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What firing Sessions means

[View here as a Twitter thread] What firing Sessions means. Spoiler: The long term worry is that an AG willing to follow Trump’s orders allows Trump to weaponize the DOJ against his opponents, which can also undermine any Mueller findings against him. I’ll explain. 1/ But first, the immediate question: What does firing Sessions mean …

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What if Mueller finds no crimes?

[View here as a Twitter thread] Some on Twitter asked me: “What happens if Mueller issues a Report with No Collusion or Obstruction and President Trump doesn’t fire anyone? Is that a possibility?” I assume this is not a serious question, but I’ll answer it. The Mueller indictments so far point strongly toward high levels …

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Trump and the Media

[View here as a Twitter thread] @ezraklein explains what he sees as the media’s lose-lose situation: They can’t ignore POTUS’s lies and outrageous behavior. The public needs to know. But when they respond, they play into Trump’s hands. 1/ @ezraklein understands Trump has deliberately turned the media into his enemy and attacks them relentlessly. The …

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Using troops at the border

[View here as a Twitter thread] Q: Can Trump use troops at the border? A: It depends on what the troops do there. I’ll explain. Meanwhile, remember: this is a PR stunt & manufactured crisis. Trump wants a cultural war about the caravan. Let’s not give him one. 1/ The Posse Comitatus Act makes it …

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