My Articles

Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back.

My latest Op-Ed for NBC News is here on the NBC site, or you can read it here: If your policies are unpopular with most voters, and if your party narrowly lost an election because of a voter surge, and if your own party’s demographics are shrinking, what do you do? Do you change your …

Georgia’s ‘Jim Crow’ voter suppression bill is now law. Here’s how Democrats can fight back. Read More »

[Click here to read on the NBC News website] On Thursday morning, Rudy Giuliani arrived at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta to participate in a state Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing on election integrity. Giuliani’s visit is part of the Republican Party’s civil war in Georgia, as President Donald Trump continues to claim massive election fraud and Georgia Republican election officials …

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Behind a purple and gold curtain on the stage of the school’s auditorium, Barbara Johns, 16, stood waiting. What she was about to do could put her–and her friends and family–in danger. But she felt no fear. The curtain rose. A gasp rippled across the room as hundreds of students. . . Continue reading here.

Included in Reaching the Bar, a collection of essays by women lawyers, published in 2009. I am an appellate defense attorney. I represent parents who have had their children removed by county child protection agencies. My practice is limited to indigents; I am appointed and paid by the courts. Many of my clients are uneducated, …

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August 8, 2001 For several years I taught the fiction-writing workshop at the University of California, Davis extension. The number of lawyers who enrolled in my classes always surprised me. Often there were more lawyers than members of any other profession. I’m pleased to report that the lawyers, on the whole, were fine fiction writers, …

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