The white men of the GOP view Kavanaugh (and themselves) as victims.
I’ll give some examples, then I’ll explain what this has to do with fascism.
“What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life. . .” …
1/ “[Dr. Ford’s testimony] is a disgraceful smear campaign. . .” Don Jr. “It’s nice to see a conservative man fight for his honor and his family against a 35 year old claim with ZERO evidence . . .” David French/National Review
10/ Here’s why they go along with the lie: “The lie is pointing out an important truth,” Sarah Sanders said once when explaining one of Trump’s lies.… In other words, the GOP overlooks the lie because they believe underneath is an important truth.
11/ The lie concerning is that Dr. Ford wasn’t a victim; she was part of a plot to smear the reputation of a good man. The lie, however, gets to what the GOP sees as an important truth: A woman should not be able to “destroy a guy’s life” by going public with salacious claims.
12/ The lie and sham hearing helps turn back the clock to a time when rape and sexual assault laws protected men from false accusation instead of protecting women from attack. (What do I mean? See… ) And it tilts us closer to an actual regime change.
13/ For young people who don’t understand the significance of Hatch’s comment that Ford is attractive: before the 1970s, rape victims were described in news accounts as attractive; if she wasn’t, people doubted she was really raped. See Brownmiller, Against Our Will.
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(Thread) Kavanaugh and the slide into fascism.
The older white men of the GOP view Kavanaugh (and themselves) as victims.
I’ll give some examples, then I’ll explain what this has to do with fascism.
“What you want to do is destroy this guy’s life. . ."
— Teri Kanefield (@Teri_Kanefield) September 28, 2018