Mueller subpoenas the Trump Org

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(thread) So Mueller subpoenaed Trump Org. records.  What might this mean? My guess: Mueller already has proof of criminal activity. Here’s why: He can get tax records from the IRS and bank records from banks. He doesn’t need to go through Trump org.

2/ Plus he has testimony from cooperating witnesses. Okay, if he has evidence, why issue a subpoena? Think of it as a mind game. Trump Org knows M. has a lot, but doesn’t know what. If they try to hold something back, and M. has it, they’re in trouble. So they have to give . .

3/ . . . everything, even though doing so (no doubt) means giving Mueller stuff he doesn’t have. They can try to fight the subpoena, but they’ll lose. Corporations don’t have the same rights as people, and 5th Amendment doesn’t apply to docs. So they know they’re caught.

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